For the past week and half, mami has not gone for her usual afternoon runs, long walks by the river with me, or even attended Chiswick Bootcamp on Saturday mornings (which she never misses).
I've heard her tell daddy that she "is tired" has "lots of work" and is "not feeling well". I'm sure that is all true, but I know that look - mami is sad! I've heard her cry when talking to Grandma D on the phone, then quickly wiping her tears when daddy walks by. I notice it happens every once in a while, but I suppose that is normal when she has so many things going on at the same time!
Frankly, I don't know how she does it, but she is very organised and that helps keep her sane (her words not mine!) She has said that all mummies get sad, but the key is to have a great group of friends you can talk to, get outside, exercise and most importantly, get help if you feel its too much.
These feelings of being sad run in the family and she wants to make sure it doesn't go any further. Its difficult for her to talk about - but after discussing it with daddy she felt much better. Today she woke up in a much better mood - she was even singing and helping daddy with breakfast. I heard her whisper that she is getting "back on track" and quickly kissed daddy in the kitchen.
I can't wait to see her when she comes back from her bootcamp session - she always ends up muddy and sweaty, but I can see the big smile on her face after a good workout. Right now she is looking for a running partner to train with for the Royal Parks Half Marathon in October.
I love mami the best when she is happy - so please get in touch!
P.S. See how beautiful mami looks when she smiles?
Beautiful indeed! Little M, tell your mummy I'll be organising a much needed mummy's only night out when I get back to London.