Saturday, May 8, 2010

Run mami run

“I need to workout!” I hear her tell daddy, followed by “but I’m soooo tired!” and plopping down on the sofa.

“Definitely tomorrow, promise” she says. And daddy just smiles and says “okay then”.

But I know that is not going to happen.

I know for a fact that mami isn’t always happy with how she looks. I've seen her squirming around when trying to button her jeans, only to quickly take them off and look sad.

Even though she has always been fairly active, she gained 50 lbs when I was in her tummy! But don’t blame me - I weighed a mere 5 lbs pounds when I came out and the rest was because of high blood pressure, those “yummy biscuits” she likes and daddy’s Sunday lunches.

It took her a good while to get back to exercising because she was spending all of her time with me (I admit, I was even more demanding before) and I believe was still in a bit of pain.

When I was around 5 months, we began going to Parent and Pram at the park. It’s an exercise class where all the tots come with their mummies. It was a huge effort for her, and while she jumped around sweating and out of breath, I sat comfy in the buggy (see pic) watching her make funny faces. That was exactly one year ago. Fast forward to today, and mami has lost all of the extra weight she put on.

Despite really struggling to find the time and energy to exercise, mami does really try. But it’s never easy - no no!

On Wednesday after lunch instead of going to the park as usual, we went downstairs to the garage. Smiling at me, she sat me in a new buggy I had never seen before. She seemed really cheerful as she strapped me in. The seat was a bit bigger than my usual buggy and when she starting pushing me it was extra bouncy!

Suddenly mami said “hold on Little M” and before I could turn to look back at her, we had picked up speed and we were running down the road...weeeeeeee!

I threw my hands in the air, the wind hitting my face and sang out “ah ah, eh eh eh” as I bounced up and down with every fast step she took.  I couldn’t believe it – it was so much fun and I got to spend time with mami. We continued down to the river taking short breaks every once in a while (mami was tired, but she would always start up again). I could hear her breathing hard, but she still managed to sing to me and point out the boats and birds along the way.

This new buggy is made especially for running. It has bicycle wheels and it may look massive, but it is very light and easy to push. On that same day, mami registered for the 10km Boutique Run in Battersea Park for women only. I guess a lot of mummies get together to run and enjoy some much needed time away from us while exercising and indulging in a bit of pampering.

She says she “will always be just a little bit fat” (a lady named Bridget Jones said that and mami says it applies to her) and that sometimes she just can’t help herself and eats delicious chocolate biscuits with her tea. She even eats some of my food when she thinks I’m not looking. But I can’t blame her because I love food too! I can’t image having to contain myself when there is something yummy to eat.

Either way I love her just the same. I know it’s hard for all mummies to find time to exercise, but mami recommends it for staying happy and healthy!

She also likes:

What do you like to do to keep fit?

P.S. If you want to register for the Boutique Run email us for a discount code!


  1. Does carrying 20lbs of baby around count? In all seriousness, I just can't find my drive to work out... Maybe it's under that bag of M&ms?

  2. A fantastic read - brilliantly written, laugh out loud funny. Keep the entries coming! Well done

  3. Seriously - your blogs always make me laugh little M. I am just so impressed mommy has so much discipline and energy! I can't keep up with her! I do need to exercise and give up the custard creams :) xx

  4. Seriously - your blogs always make me laugh little M. I am just so impressed mommy has so much discipline and energy! I can't keep up with her! I do need to exercise and give up the custard creams :) xx

  5. Bless! Love the idea of this blog. I hope you are good to your mummy and don't keep her too busy!?

  6. Too funny!
    Have read many a blog about motherhood - this has got to be my favourite. Brilliantly crafted and informative. More please

  7. Thank you for all your lovely comments! Mummy is busy this week, so I will have more to write about soon! Keep coming back, sign up for email alerts and tell your friends! I will link to your blogs when I get a free moment on the computer while mummy does laundry! Gracias!


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