Wednesday, June 16, 2010



Mami is a funny one. I can’t quite understand her. One minute she is complaining that daddy watches too many sports and the next she is checking the schedule for football games. Confusing or what?

Turns out, the Chilean team, also known as La Roja qualified for something called the World Cup . For those that may not know, it is a major fooball or fútbol event and only happens every 4 summers – daddy and I had a long chat while watching the USA v England game.

At tía Paula's house to watch the Chile v Honduras game
The shirt is too big for me so mami put it around my shoulders

Today Chile played Honduras – I had never seen mami actually nervous! But we won 1-0 and boy was it exciting when the first goal was scored. Mami and her friends jumped up and down yelling GOOOOOOOOOL! It was fun to spend the day with mami after not seeing much of her for the past two weeks.

Supporting La Roja  No 7 is Sánchez and No 15 is Beausejour

La Roja may be the team to watch - they are possibly the best Chilean team yet. I realised it is not just about the game, but about being proud of where you are from.

After the first goal I called my Great-Oma to celebrate together even though we are so far away. It also got me thinking that we really should visit soon. As soon as I get some alone time with mami I am going to ask if are any plans to take a holiday there (I could see she she was a little bit emotional especially after hearing the national song).

¿Alo? Oma ¿vistes el gol?/ Did you see the goal?

I know a lot of mamas don't really care much for sports but what do you expect? I'm a boy and I can't wait to start playing fútbol later on this summer!  (Daddy registered me last week) and Chile has provided a lot more excitement than some of the other games so far!

But don't think is ends with this game - I have to support team USA with daddy, cheer on Chile with mami and of course root for England! Who say's a toddlers life is easy?

What's your favourite team?


  1. Oh, I grew up in a football family. My dad and my brother play(ed)and coached, my uncles play(ed), my grandfather was a referee, my grandmother was secretary of the local football club, my mum and my aunties played and of course I did to. So I'm supporting France of course. Not a very popular choice in Ireland at the moment since France knocked them out of the tournament in a rather unfair manner.

  2. lol too cute! Es increible como este juego une a tantas familias de tantas nacionalidades! Me encanta ... Mi padre vive en Puerto Rico y toda su vida a sido Coach de "Balonpie" (asi le conocemos en PR)... muchos recuerdos .... pronto pondre la foto de niña cuando era la mascota del equipo de el jeje! pasa por alli para que luego las veas!

    Little M me encanta tu foto llamando por el telefono ...jijiji

    Bendiciones y espero puedas visitar pronto Chile...

  3. Hola, vi tu comentario en el blog de Mama y papa asi nos llamamos ahora y vine a ver que tal tu blog, me encanta.. y la foto del telefono tambien es mi favorita.. Yo vivo en USA, estoy casada con un argentino y soy Venezolana, asi que mi bebe esta siendo criado bilingue y multicultural


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