Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Dear mami

Dear mami, 

I love you a lot and I missed you and daddy when you were gone.

Abuelita/grandma and I almost melted here in London because it was so hot, but we made it. Next time can I go with you please?

We did lots and lots of things.

First thing abuelita did was cut my hair! She heard daddy say I had a “mullet” and she cut little bits off the back. Did you see she put my curls in a bag for you?
Because it was so hot, abuelita let me hang out naked! Yesssss! No nappy and no shirt. I was just drinking my cold juice when suddenly water came right out of my willy! I did this twice this weekend, once behind the TV and another time next to your bed. I think you stepped in it. Sorrrrrry!

My teeth hurt again! I woke up at night and I don’t think abuelita was too happy about me crying. But just for you to know, she didn’t get up right away. You may want to have a “quick talk”with her.  Just like you do with daddy.

te quiero mami y papi/I love you mami and daddy

I'm very close to saying my first big boy word. I've been holding back - but when I shout out "heeeh" that’s my way of saying Hola/Hello. And "neh -neh- neh" is how I pronounce "no". Remember mami, I have a British accent, you don’t.

Oh, and you know that baby gate you put in the living room to keep me from playing by the fireplace? Well, you can just put it away because I can squeeze through any opening! Got between the sofa and the gate and abuelita couldn’t find me! 

She kept saying “Little M, Little M ¿dónde estas?/where are you?” So funny! Got black stuff on my hands and I made a little drawing for you on the wall by bookshelf. Did you see it?

Lastly, don’t be upset with abuelita, but she gave me candy when we went to the fair on Saturday. It was so yummy!

I drew this picture for you it says I love you very much mami and daddy and I am so happy that you are back and take me with you next time.

te quiero mucho
Little M


  1. Ha ha ha, so funny. I get the escape artist thing, my boys did it too

  2. Hey Little M, be good to your Mummy and no hiding in the little gaps, (its okay once or twice for Abuelita). Ella te quiere mucho te conozco!

  3. Hi Little M,

    here's a tip from another adventurous toddler - if your Mummy and Daddy make it so you can't wedge yourself through any openings anymore, try climbing over it. That can easily be done and often leads to the same results :)

  4. jejeje! Que rico! hablando de la abuelita, K. Abuelita viene muy pronto desde Puerto Rico para estar con nosotros! ya compartiremos como nos va! El dibujo esta perfectamente bello! bye bye Little M ... dile Hola a mami!


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