Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Mami runs. Part two

My mami is running. And not just after me!

Let me explain. First she is going to run a 5k (or 3.2 miles) in Hyde Park in September and then a half marathon (13 miles) in October.

If memory serves me right, I have seen her run before...but that was back in my baby days. I’m a big boy now!

The excuses

“Shouldn’t you be training for the Royal Parks Half Marathon?” daddy asked mami as she was a about to eat another chocolate reindeer she had in the fridge.

“Arrrrg, yes! I know, but I can’t run now, I’m tired!”

“Well, you have to start soon, otherwise it will be painful”

“Ok! OK! I’ll start this week, I’m just not motivated” and ate the chocolate.
The miracle

Then on Sunday, it happened. Mami went for a run. And not just her, but daddy and I too! I cheered her on from the buggy and held her water bottle. When she needed some I would hand it over to her.

The challenge

What pushed mami out the door? A very nice lady from Arthritis Research UK had contacted mami and me that week and said she had seen my blog. She asked if mami would run the Adidas Women’s 5K Challenge on their behalf to let other people know more about juvenile ar-thri-tis.

I really don’t know what that means, and it was really difficult to spell (I cut and paste it!). But after listening mami talk to daddy, I can tell you a little more about it.

Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis or JIA is a group of illnesses that share similar symptoms. Idiopathic arthritis is arthritis with no known cause and, just as in adult arthritis; it causes inflammation, pain and swelling in the joints. Ouch!

It is very sad because 1 in 1,000 children in the UK hurt from this and can begin at any age and is more common in girls. But the good news is that JIA doesn't turn into the adult kind of arthritis. There is more information, but I didn’t understand it all.

I will try to blog about her training each week and let you know more information on juvenile arthritis as I learn more along the way.

Mummy to 5K

Oh, and its not just mami running! She was able to get some of my blogging friends out and running too! They started the “Mummy to 5K” hash tag on twitter and Rachael @karamina made a pretty badge for everyone to put on their blogs. I put one up for mami. See it on the side?

Each day other mamas are joining in on the challenge. So far, I see that: @cafebebe @karamina @kahanka @climbingtikes @jennypaulin @ngowers and mami @verybusymama are all set to run! If you want to join in, just click on the Adidas Women’s 5K Challenge Link and register and leave your link below!

And daddy (who is a runner too) says don’t forget to get a good pair of trainers – otherwise it will hurt!

Happy running!

Bye bye!


  1. Well Little M I will have to take part now as your Mami has listed my name! I need to register somewhere? Have you posted that link? I will have a look. It's for a worthwhile cause if it helps those children. Have to book a train ticket too!

  2. Will have to have a think about it and see I can persuade the OH to give me day release to come to London to run! :)

  3. Thank you for inspiring me to run, I am really looking forward to it and meeting up with you all xx

  4. Thanks for getting me off the sofa and back into trainers. Looking forward to meeting everyone at the race.


Say hello to my sister, Little L!

It's been a very long time. My days as a blogger are over (at least I think they are?) — I'm now mami's sort of photographer (I...