Saturday, July 10, 2010

Simply and honestly me

Been busy here entertaining my abuelita/grandma who is visiting for a few weeks. Hard work I tell you, I have to show her where my milk is and which cup to give me, how to open the door to take me out, and which park to take me to.

Poor abuelita, she can't keep up with me and she tells mami that she is "muy cansada"/ very tired after spending a day with me. Funny how everyone I spend a day with seems to say that. Not sure why?
Either way, I have not had much time to blog, being cute is hard work too, and I've been doing a lot of that lately!

Last week both Holly at Its a Mummy's Life and Emma at Mellow Mummy tagged me with A Blog with Substance and The Blogging Meme. Boy was I excited - not only because they are very lovely and pretty mamas (mami met them at CyberMummy), but because we have been reading their blogs for some time now. Thank you very much!

A Blog with Substance - Holly asked, why do I blog?

Simple. I blog to help mami keep a record of all our fun and sometimes "difficult" experiences (those are her words by the way). Years from now she will enjoy looking back and reading about our early days together. Especially if one day we leave England and move to the USA, she will want to remember all of our adventures here. That, and I remind her what its like to be a little one.

My blogging philosophy in 5 words: Keeping it honest and simple

The Blogging Meme - Emma asks:

What is my favourite blog? Ooh, hmm? Ah yes! It's got to be Foodie Mummy! French expat living in Ireland, Foodie Mummy deals with life as it comes, loves football (well, not the French team at the moment) and is always very honest about her daily adventures as a new stay at home maman. Go and visit her, you won't regret it!

Blogger I respect? A fellow bilingual mama, Steffi over at Mummy do That! is brining up her little one to speak both German and English. I know that it is no small task, and mami and I salute her for that.

Best blog to join with? No weekly write ups or links to worry about. Just stop by RedTedArt blog for craft and art ideas. Mami is not very good with paints, but I always stop over at Maggy's blog for new art projects mami and I can do together. A few weeks ago we made a mini-sailboat for daddy that I saw on her Get Crafty with Children section. He loved it!

Best post by fellow blogger? Ha! this one made mami laugh out loud "Google yourself and you shall find" is a post by Nordica In London about Googling her blog name and coming up with a very different result than expected. Check out her post to see what its all about.

A Blog with Substance goes to: RedTedArt


  1. Thank you so much! That has made the sun shine here for me despite the grey clouds (and the rain) outside. I feel like I have won an Oscar! Muchissimas gracias. Besos.

  2. Great answers for someone so little! Congrats on your memes and tags - many more to come, no doubt.


Say hello to my sister, Little L!

It's been a very long time. My days as a blogger are over (at least I think they are?) — I'm now mami's sort of photographer (I...