Wednesday, August 11, 2010


You know when all you want to do is sleep ALL DAY LONG?

I bet you do. Mamas always complain about not getting enough sleep - including mine!

Well, mami and I have been feeling like that all week. Mami walked around in a daze today. She wasn't her cheerful self and I wasn't in the mood to be made to sing. I'm getting more teeth and it hurts.

Mami has been really busy at her work, and she is not happy and together we are one big mess!

Today we stayed in our jammies until after lunch. We haven't done that in a few months and kind of liked it.

Mami laid on the sofa and I played with my new blocks.

No rushing around to go to the park. No getting ready to meet one of mami's friend whose baby cries all the time, no having a "quick" lunch so that I can take a "quick" nap, so that we can go out for a "quick" coffee and chat with yet another one of mami's friends.

None of that.

Just mami and me, "chillaxing" as she says (that's a mix between chilling and relaxing. I had to explain that one to daddy) and because sometimes you "just need a break"

We make a good team, mami and me.


  1. We had a day like this on Monday. With all the rushing around it's good to opt out of the mummy scene sometimes and just 'be'.

  2. Sounds like it was a good plan Little M. Teething isn't nice for you or Mummy so taking a break and just relaxing was just the thing to do!

  3. Ooh, poor mami - please little M, give her one BIG hug from me.

  4. Ah yes, some days chillaxing is definitely the way forward :)

  5. wish that my reason for being in my pj's til after lunch was chillaxing or rather just the fact that i had started cleaning and couldn't stop...

    hope you and little m feel refreshed for another day at it tomorrow:)

  6. I love days like this, I think sometimes in our quest to entertain our little people we forget how good just lazy days are!:)


Say hello to my sister, Little L!

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