Sunday, August 15, 2010

Mami's very VERY long run

The long run

Mami always manages to get herself into trouble, and last Sunday daddy and I thought she had gotten lost on her group run! He kept going up to look out the window and was very close to putting me in the buggy to go and find her.

Early that morning, she had filled her new Swiggies, or Swigglets as daddy called them (they are water bottles that go on your wrists, so cool!) and she was gone.

Picture: ARUK
In the meantime Daddy and I went to the park. We played, had a snack, I had a nap and even after all that, mami was still not back. She was gone for a very VERY long time! And that’s why daddy and I were worried.

Eventually she came home and her face was really red, her hair was wet and she didn't smell very good.  Daddy helped her over to the sofa and she just fell over.

“How was the run?” daddy asked a bit scared.

Mami looked at him, and said “I ran with the group for exactly 10 minutes! Their definition of slow is not the same as mine! And it was much more than 6 miles!"

But I was proud of mami. Remember she is running the Adidas Women’s 5K Challenge on behalf of Arthritis Research UK, so she can’t give up now. But daddy said this was the first time she was running more than 5 miles, so it was harder for her.

Her motivation for running: Arthritis Research UK

This week, mami and I learned about how juvenile idiopathic arthritis is diagnosed. Mami read that juvenile idiopathic arthritis is actually difficult to detect and there's no single test that can confirm the diagnosis.

Doctors base their diagnosis on what mamas and daddies tell them, what they find by examining little ones, and on tests they carry out to rule out other possible illnesses.

Usually they do blood test and even eye tests. Children with JIA have a higher chance of having inflammation to their eyes, and if a doctor doesn't help you, can lead to blindness. That means you can't see. We don't want that to happen to anyone.

So, mami had better keep running and raising funds.You can visit her Just Giving page to donate too!

Doing it all over again!

In other news, we are all going for a family run today. After mami’s long run by herself, she would rather go slow but in good company. Can’t wait because I love zooming down the hills!

Mami and I are going to do another post about the best running gear, including the Swiggies so come back for that!

Happy running!


  1. Well done mami! You are doing so well! I have not run this week just swimming and walking. I think I may walk on the day due to bladder problems! I just find that running makes me want to uhm well pee!! So I can walk at a good pace so will aim for that and then if on the day all going well I will run after all!! I still need to book my train ticket!!

  2. Little M. I want you to tell mami that she is an awsome young lady and that she can do it! let her know that I´m cheering for her and that I´m proud of her for just taking one foot in front of the other and just run!!

  3. Hi little M, I'm enjoying your blogs. I hope you said well done to your Mami after her long run. Six miles is a long way. I'm a runner too, so I know how hard it is to keep up with other runners sometimes. But running slowly isn't a bad thing. It helps you build up muscles and get used to running longer distances without tiring you out too much or hurting yourself.
    Of course, running with friends who don't mind how fast or slow you go and enjoying it is the best kind of running there is.
    Wish your Mami all the best for her 5k run. I bet she'll run really fast that day, especially if you cheer her on.

  4. Hello ladies, mami here! thanks so much for your encouraging words -really. If I didn't have all of you running too, I'd probably give up. lots of love xx


Say hello to my sister, Little L!

It's been a very long time. My days as a blogger are over (at least I think they are?) — I'm now mami's sort of photographer (I...