Sunday, August 29, 2010

We tried it! Weekly Roundup

It's a long weekend, and that means I get to spend extra time with daddy. I really don't want to be blogging too much, so I am going to give you a brief update on some of the great things mami and I have been trying and a special giveaway to 5 lucky winners around the world!

Munchkin: Bath toys and shampoo rinser
As you know, I am now much happier now with my new FlexiBath because I can actually fit in it. But there is still a little problem. See, bath time is ruined when mami throws a bucket of water on my head. She tries to lean me back but I don't like that feeling at all! 

So when Munchkin sent us a some cool new toys, including a star fountain (its spins and shoots up water) and a special shampoo rinser that allows the water to go over my head but not in my eyes, I was the happiest of all. Now we can get along and I don't have to resort to splashing her to get away. 

Munchkin is a US company - I know it well because mami got a lot gifts for her baby shower. The shampoo rinser has a good grip and a plastic band that goes on my forehead and stops the water from going in my eyes. 

Two hands up for Munchkin, their toys and the special rinser! 

Kaloo Blue: Baby Cologne (Mami LOVES this)
Remember, I'm half Chilean. I say this so you won't gasp when I tell you that I wear cologne and I am not ashamed. Yes, you read right, COLOGNE. But don't worry, it's baby cologne, not the kind mami or daddy use. I do smell really good the girls at nursery seem to like it too! 

See in Chile baby cologne, which is alcohol-free and a light "spray" is as common as buying baby lotion (which smells too) soap, oils and baby cream .Mami just sprays a little on her hand then dabs my shirt or runs it through my curls. 

She had no idea that you could get some here (when we go to Chile she stocks up!) so when Kaloo Parfums sent us theirs, she was very excited. Kaloo Blue is a refreshing scent for boys. I tell you, give it a chance, its not like I'm drenched in it, it just gives me that fresh, baby smell. They have scents for boys and girls, and I've seen mami use it too! And it may say its just for babies, but I know for a fact I will be using colognes for a long time.

I give this two hands up, two more from mami, and two hands up from daddy (he "gets" it now).

TommeeTippee: explora Active Sporty Cup
I have gone through several cups. Some with straws, others that are non-spill (mami's favourite) and some like my green one that I know will always have orange juice. But then we got a new one. This one was so cool! 
Mami has been trying to get me "off the bottle" (of milk) for some time. I really enjoy my bedtime bottle, but mami wants me to drink milk from a cup. I don't know about you, but it's just not the same. I usually make her pour it out of the cup and into my bottle and then I will drink it. 

drinking my milk and checking out the squirrels

When Tommee Tippee, who were at CyberMummy sent me one of their cool explora Active Sporty Cup, I  thought I would give it a try (that, and mami didn't back down when I started crying so I had no choice!) It was about time I moved on to a big boy cup. 

Still non-spill and perfect for when we go out. I will drink to that!

Beautiful Creatures: Children's Music
A few months ago, mami and me received a very special, very funny and different music CD called Beautiful Creatures. They are from a place called South Africa where there are lots of animals and fun things to do. You may remember I told you about dancing to “Mafutha the Elephant” with mami. It was a very fun day!

Mami and daddy also liked very much that it was from South Africa. See, they spent lots of time in South Africa and they have very special memories of their time. They said they would like to take me one day so that I can see real live lions, hippos and giraffes like they did on their safari! Mami said she was very scared when they encountered a hippo. They are dangerous you know! So this music is a little piece of South Africa they can share with me. 

Even daddy got into it and said it was “different” and “I can listen to this”. Good, because I love it! When I listen to it, I start to wiggle a little, then I really put my booty into it and shake, shake shake!

The CD has 10 songs, and all of them tell a unique story about an animal. Mami was even singing “can you roar like Lucas the lazy lion....roarrrrr”.

Beautiful Creatures also have unique South African books and educational toys for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers. Their website is really nice too – so go and check it out!

Best part of all is that we love this so much we want you to have one too. I have 5 downloadable CDs to giveaway to you. This is open to anyone worldwide, so why not enter?
  • Just leave a comment saying "I want to win Beautiful Creatures"
  • Leave your name or twitter name so mami can contact you
  • Become a follower on Google Connect
**Thanks for entering. This competition is now closed **

 Okay, off to enjoy the rest of the weekend!


  1. I want to win Beautiful Creatures

  2. Little M you are very good and diligent with your reviews, I think I could learn a thing or two from you! Glad you and the family had a lovely weekend. xx

  3. Oooo - I want to win beautiful creatures


    Thanks for that Little M! My little boy needs a shampoo shield and they stopped doing them in Mothercare.

    I will buy one as you and your mummy recommend xx

  4. Thank you Little M. My Kung Fu Baby would totally enjoy it so I want to win Beautiful Creatures

  5. My twitter user name is @Maybelline_V

  6. I already follow you via Google Friend Connect

  7. "I want to win Beautiful Creatures"
    adaliadelcompar at gmail dot com

  8. Follow you publicly with Google Friends Connect
    adaliadelcompar at gmail dot com

  9. Follow you on Twitter
    adaliadelcompar at gmail dot com

  10. In France, we also use baby perfume. Noelie loves it and so do I. She is also off the bottle. It's not hard, Little M, I promise you. I just got sick of having to buy teats, because the kittens were sneaking into her bedroom and chewing on them with their sharp little teeth. Besos.

  11. I want to win Beautiful Creatures
    @meedja on twitter.

    Squeaky would like me to say that she agrees with you about the Munchkin shampoo rinser. We found it in Wilkinsons a few weeks ago, and it makes having her hair washed much easier. She's also very impressed by the bright pink colour.

  12. Hi
    following you on google connect
    thanks for the reviews, we may have to try the shampoo rinser thing it seems like a good idea
    I want to win Beautiful Creatures

  13. I've got the CD already and it is brilliant, so good luck to everyone who is entering the competition... it really is a lovely prize.

    Click here to read my review if you want a bit of extra incentive for entering Little M's competition.

  14. I want to win beautiful creatures

  15. I want to win beautiful creatures

  16. Hello! thanks to everyone for entering! Little M and I have put the entries into a True Random Number Generator to select 5 winners (Random.Org)
    Winners announced soon!


Say hello to my sister, Little L!

It's been a very long time. My days as a blogger are over (at least I think they are?) — I'm now mami's sort of photographer (I...