Sunday, August 1, 2010

Why mami runs

Mummy to 5K

Okay, some of you many know that mami is training for the Adidas Women's 5K Challenge to raise awareness and funds for Arthritis Research UK and also running the Royal Parks Half Marathon in October.

Today mami and daddy put me in the running buggy and we all went for a 5 mile run.  She didn't look well, and had a hard time breathing, but she made it!

After we got back I had my milk and pulled up my chair next to mami and she answered a few questions. So here it goes!


Mami, how did you feel during the run today? Your face was really red and you were breathing very loud.
Well Little M, mami had to run slower because I'm not very fit! I've been very busy having fun with you and I have been too tired to run. Also mami has gained weight and I haven't run that far in a long time. But you and daddy were very patient with me and helped keep me going.

Oh yeah. You do eat a lot of cookies! But you also did a lot of walking, I thought you had to run the whole way?
Hmm? Yes I did walk, but its good to have a little break every once in a while. If I push myself too hard this soon I could hurt myself and not be able to run later.

Daddy mentioned that you sign up for a lot of races and then don't do them. Are you really going to do the 5K and half marathon?
He said that? Oh, well, yes! I am definitely going to do the 5K and the half marathon. I am very excited but nervous about doing them, I just have to keep at it!

A lot of mamas are doing the 5K with you. What advice can you give them?
Oh! I am no expert, but if I can run anyone can run! Drink lots of water, get a good sports bra, and good trainers. Otherwise it could be very uncomfortable! Start out slow and work your way up.

That's what daddy told you! And you are running for ARUK - do you know what causes ju-ve-ni-le ar-th-ri-tis?
Good job! You said it right! But I don't really know Little M. And that's why I am running for them, so they can do more research. We don't want kids to hurt anymore.

So how can someone get it?
Well, that's just it. It is difficult to understand, even for us adults. There is no proof that it can be passed on by mamas and daddies, however, they do know that a child's genetic make-up is a factor. It's possible that some illnesses act as a trigger, and that there is an interaction between genetic and other trigger factors.
Don't worry if you don't understand - what is important is to let others know about it and learn as we go along.

Oh, okay. I don't really know what that means, but maybe others reading this might. So why do you run if it's hard for you?
Lots of reasons. For one, it doesn't cost any money. I also like to feel the wind in my face and it is the best way to keep fit and healthy. Also because daddy likes it and we can share some time together. He started me running you know!

I can run too!
I know you can! I'm usually right behind you. But when you are bigger you can go out running with daddy and I. For now you have to stay in the buggy.

I do like it when you go fast and the buggy bounces up and down. Can you go faster next week?
Ha ha! I will sure try mi amor. But mami has to make sure she doesn't get too tired!

And that's it! In mami's own words. Oh, and please visit mami's JustGiving page to make a donation and help ARUK - we both appreciate it very very much!

Any running questions? Ask me!

bye bye


  1. Great interview there Litte M. Your mami makes me feel shameful because apart from swimming (not for long as went with B and his daddy) and walking fast for an hour with the buggy yesterday, I have done nothing since my slow run last Tuesday :-(
    I have cut out biscuits but need to get out there. If your mami can do it then so must I! Will try to go out again tomorrow
    Tell your mami she is doing brilliantly :-)

  2. Well done on your mami's five miles! I'm also doing a half marathon in October (sadly not the same one I think, mine's in Cardiff) so I tried 5 miles yesterday too. I probably went as red as she did. But did it! Yay us!

  3. You're doing great! Some walking is fine, we've all got to start somewhere! You just keep up-ping the run bits until there aren't any walk bits... easy! ;) Proud of you.

  4. Fabulous! Well done Mammi and well done little M! I'm sure you did all the resistance training aspect of the task from your pushchair. I'm running too and have thought about signing up for the Adidas women's run, but not sure if i can committ. I'm running 3.5km most days now so feel quite confident I'll get to 5k by Sept. Go easy on your mammi little M, she's doing a great job!!


Say hello to my sister, Little L!

It's been a very long time. My days as a blogger are over (at least I think they are?) — I'm now mami's sort of photographer (I...