Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sitting this one out

Bad news from mami headquarters in London.

Mami, or Runner 13196 as she would have been known will not be running the Royal Parks Half Marathon as planned on the 10th of October. I repeat, mami will not be running the half marathon in October due to an ankle injury.

At this time I ask that you be very kind to mami and let her sulk and cry alone. Daddy and I have stood back and let her be. But I hope that she does hurry up and get over it. I can't take much more of her whining!

Bottom line: She is NOT happy!

I think she has been in denial for a few weeks now. Ever since she took that big fall at the 4K mark at Adidas Women's 5K Challenge at Hyde Park and sprained her ankle, she has been hoping to be able to heal in time.

 Mami won't be needing these

"Maybe I can still run it. Its only 3 weeks away, I can run 10 miles then I'll be okay" she said a few weeks ago.

Daddy just looked at her and said "That's not such a good idea. You could cause permanent damage"

Mami just looked away biting her nails.

"Arrrrgggggg, I REALLY REALLY want to run this race! I have been waiting for so long! Can't believe I fell!"

Daddy and I just sit back and let her get it all out.

"And I've put on weight! I need to get out there" She told us this weekend.

Poor mami. She is frustrated and yes, she is getting a bit chunkier. Just the other day I saw her trying to wrestle her way into her jeans. They fit, but won't button.

She will start running again, but won't be racing anytime soon. However, she has plans to do a half marathon in the Spring and she is looking for company.

How many of you are up for a major challenge?

Let us know! 


  1. I am thinking of Mami and will not mention running for a while

  2. Aw, such a shame! I am with you on this one. My training has gone down the pan through ankle injury and then hip, and my two running partners dropped out too so I lost motivation. Not doing my Cardiff half on 17th Oct. The race pack arrived yesterday, I was no. 6100 and I feel so sad. I will do a Spring one with you! Have to train through winter though, which can be tough. J x

  3. Really sorry mami not able to do the race but there will be others and it is for the best! Be patient with her x

  4. I would love to do one again, it's been over a year down to injury (and being to busy to organise one!) But I'd love to do another, which do you plan to do? x

  5. I'd love to do one again, which do you plan to do? Sorry about your ankle, you'll be running again before long, don't worry, slowly and gently build it up, that's the key. Lou x

  6. Thanks for all the support! Not sure which half I will do, maybe the Reading half?? I like to do my research so I don't get stuck in a bad race

  7. I hope you get better soon honey. Where are you running the half marathon?

    Becca x


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