There’s been so much talk of Halloween over the past few weeks and finally the real day arrived!
On Saturday night I helped mami and papi carve our pumpkin. Papi cut the top and then mami and I pulled out all the gooey stuff from the inside, it was squishy in between my fingers!
Mami then turned off the lights and suddenly the pumpkin had light inside of it! Papi said it was now a “jack-o-lantern”. It was so cool!
Today I put on my bones costume that Clothing at Tesco sent us and mami taught me to say "trick or treat". I don't really know what it means, but when I said that mami put some candy in my bag.
Off to a party we went where we sang songs, ate more candy and everyone had costumes on! I think I am starting to get this Halloween business now.
Oh, and the best thing about my bones (skeleton costume as mami calls it) is that it lights up in the dark!!
Hope you had a spooktacular day!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
I builded a bear!
Yes, that's right. I builded my own bear.
On Friday, the day mami is home with me, we went to Covent Garden in Central London to a place called Build-A-Bear. How we never knew about this place before is beyond me!
I chose a yellow bear named Pudsey, but I re-named him Oso which is bear in Spanish.
Mami and I don't do very well in small spaces. I started to get hot and wanted mami to hold me. There were a lot of kids there, but in the end we managed just fine!
While we waited for the others, I made my way over to the computers and as a professional toddler blogger, I caught up on my writing. Besides, I had so much to tell!
Now Oso is at home with us and since he is not potty trained, mami had to put a nappy on him. I changed him once, but really, I can't be doing that stuff! Mami has had to take care of him when I go to bed. She says her job never ends. I don't really know what she is talking about.
But going back to the fun stuff, if you too are thinking about building a bear, here are some things that are good to know:
Have you builded a bear too?
On Friday, the day mami is home with me, we went to Covent Garden in Central London to a place called Build-A-Bear. How we never knew about this place before is beyond me!
And that is exactly what I did, made my very own bear! There was even a machine full of stuffing - that is the fluffy stuff that goes inside the bear which made him fat, then we added a heart and stitched him up.
I chose a yellow bear named Pudsey, but I re-named him Oso which is bear in Spanish.
Mami and I don't do very well in small spaces. I started to get hot and wanted mami to hold me. There were a lot of kids there, but in the end we managed just fine!
While we waited for the others, I made my way over to the computers and as a professional toddler blogger, I caught up on my writing. Besides, I had so much to tell!
Now Oso is at home with us and since he is not potty trained, mami had to put a nappy on him. I changed him once, but really, I can't be doing that stuff! Mami has had to take care of him when I go to bed. She says her job never ends. I don't really know what she is talking about.
But going back to the fun stuff, if you too are thinking about building a bear, here are some things that are good to know:
- It doesn't have to cost a lot! That was mami's first thought, but you can get a bear for £15 and accessorize at home!
- If you get the Oso or Pudsey like I did, £5 of it will go to the charity Children in Need
- It makes a very nice gift for someone special - they also have Christmas time bears out now
- It is not just for kids, grown ups like a special bear too
Have you builded a bear too?
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Visit to the tooth doctor
I've been to the tooth doctor, or the dentist as he is called many times with mami. She puts on a pair of big green glasses and sits back on a chair and the doctor shines a light on her face and then picks at her teeth. It really scares me and I cry every time they try to touch her teeth.
I never like watching, but I have no choice but to go with her. But mami says that taking care of our teeth is very important. We try to brush together, but I just like to play with the water!
Way back when I was around 14 months I had a little accident at Westfields and I fell and broke a tooth. Yes, I broke a piece of my front tooth and I only have a half of one! Mami had to take me to the dentist for a checkup. Luckily the pain went away and my mouth is okay.
When we were at the dentist, he recommended I have a check up every 6 months, and today was the day!
After a morning out at Build-A-Bear in Covent Garden with other bloggers, we jumped on the tube and headed over for my appointment.
I sat in the big chair where mami usually sits and the doctor looked into my mouth and touched my teeth. I sat very, very still because I wanted to make sure I got a good checkup.
And guess what? He said my teeth "were looking good" and I got a sticker!!
He gave mami and me a few tips to care for my teeth:
Okay, I'm off to brush my teeth then to bed!
I never like watching, but I have no choice but to go with her. But mami says that taking care of our teeth is very important. We try to brush together, but I just like to play with the water!
Way back when I was around 14 months I had a little accident at Westfields and I fell and broke a tooth. Yes, I broke a piece of my front tooth and I only have a half of one! Mami had to take me to the dentist for a checkup. Luckily the pain went away and my mouth is okay.
I have half a front tooth
When we were at the dentist, he recommended I have a check up every 6 months, and today was the day!
After a morning out at Build-A-Bear in Covent Garden with other bloggers, we jumped on the tube and headed over for my appointment.
I sat in the big chair where mami usually sits and the doctor looked into my mouth and touched my teeth. I sat very, very still because I wanted to make sure I got a good checkup.
Waiting for my checkup!
And guess what? He said my teeth "were looking good" and I got a sticker!!
He gave mami and me a few tips to care for my teeth:
- Even if I don't brush my teeth exactly like mami, I should keep trying - No problem! I love playing with the brush
- Try to avoid sugary treats - not sure about this one!
- Mix juice with water to reduce sugar - mami already does this!
Okay, I'm off to brush my teeth then to bed!
Monday, October 25, 2010
It's a Fisher-Price fiesta!
Guess what I did on Friday? I went to a very special fiesta at Earl's Court.
Fisher-Price, the people who make really cool toys had a room full of their best creations for us to play with including cars, inner tubes, bouncy chairs and even pretend food!
Fisher-Price, the people who make really cool toys had a room full of their best creations for us to play with including cars, inner tubes, bouncy chairs and even pretend food!
This chair shakes!
I think mami was more excited than I was because she got to meet up with some other mummy bloggers, like Karin from Cafe Bebe, Mirka from All Baby Advice, Jacqui from Mummy's Little Monkey, Rebecca of Two Become Four, Emma from Me the Man and Baby and other mummies she met that day.
At first, I wasn't really in the mood to play. I just hung back with mami and let her make her rounds. I know, shocker, but I was just feeling mellow.
After a little while, I made my way over to the side of all the action and watched the man with the camera take pictures. I thought he looked hungry so I brought over some cupcakes and a cup of tea for him to try. So silly, he tried to eat them, but they were plastic!
I finally got in the mood for playing - no stopping me now!
When the girls from Fisher-Price explained just how they make the toys, I sat in mami's lap on the floor and paid close attention. Can you imagine if your job was to make toys? That is what I want to do! I would just play all day long (well, I do that now, but you know what I mean!)
Okay now this was cool. It spun around and the toys flew off!
Mami has been really busy and tired lately so it was really nice to spend an entire day together.
But wait! It gets better. Mami let me walk to the tube station! Yesssssss. And then, because I was being so good, she let me actually sit on the seats on the tube. Can you believe it?! Just like a big boy! That was the best part of my day.
I got to ride the tube like a big boy!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Mami ate Welsh lamb!
Never before seen on this table - lamb!
"I just don't like it. I can't stand the smell or taste. I have tried it and I won't have it again". Papi said "let me make it for you and give it another try" But mami just shook her head no and that was the end of that.
Okay then, mami does not eat lamb.
So you can image mine and papi's surprise when mami announced that we were going to receive a package with Welsh lamb for us to try. Papi nearly fell out of his chair! "What?!" he said, "Are you serious?"
Mami just smiled and said "Sure, I'll give it a try. I guess it's about time I ate something other than chicken or beef".
And she was right. A few days later a package arrived with minced Welsh lamb and all the ingredients to make spicy lamb koftas.
See, Hybu Cig Cymru (that's Welsh for Meat Promotion Wales) has just launched Cool2Cook2 a child-friendly Welsh Lamb recipe book and they wanted us to try some of their fun and tasty recipes for the entire family!
I can't believe I missed this!
Even though mami and papi put me to bed before dinner I was allowed to join papi in the kitchen when he was preparing the meat. I even wore my apron! Daddy made yogurt and cucumber dip and cut up lettuce for the salad.
After I was in bed, I could hear mami and papi talking about how good the dinner was, and how impressed mami was with the taste of the lamb. Can you believe it, she actually said it was "yummy"!
Papi's dream come true. Thanks to those people in Wales, mami said she is willing to consider having another Welsh lamb dinner.
I just hope she eats everything on her plate!
Almost time for trick or treating!
It's a day called Halloween. You get to dress up like something silly or spooky and get lots and lots of candy! Well, this is what I've heard.
Last year was my first Halloween and I didn't get any candy. Just a bottle full of milk.
I remember it well because my Auntie Katie sent me the most ridiculous costume, I still don't know if I was suppose to be a bear or a monkey. But of course, mami made me wear it! I tried to wrestle my way out of it, but mami got her way.
However, this year it looks as if Halloween is going to be hit! To kick things off, we were lucky to be invited to a little Halloween party by the Clothing at Tesco team a few weeks ago. There was a room full of pumpkins, face painting, candy and everyone was dressed in strange costumes.
It was the BIGGEST television screen I have ever seen. It was as big as the room! Sooooo cool! We watched a special Tesco Entertainment exclusive film, Monsters vs. Aliens – Mutant Pumpkins from Outer Space that was about getting back the Halloween candy from the evil pumpkins. Everyone thought I would be scared, but I showed them.
It's a day called Halloween. You get to dress up like something silly or spooky and get lots and lots of candy! Well, this is what I've heard.
Last year was my first Halloween and I didn't get any candy. Just a bottle full of milk.
I remember it well because my Auntie Katie sent me the most ridiculous costume, I still don't know if I was suppose to be a bear or a monkey. But of course, mami made me wear it! I tried to wrestle my way out of it, but mami got her way.
Please mami, don't make me wear this!
However, this year it looks as if Halloween is going to be hit! To kick things off, we were lucky to be invited to a little Halloween party by the Clothing at Tesco team a few weeks ago. There was a room full of pumpkins, face painting, candy and everyone was dressed in strange costumes.
That's me testing out the pumpkins. They passed the test.
But the real surprise came we entered a dark room with lots and lots of seats. I made myself comfortable in daddy's lap and then a bright light came on and a movie started showing on the wall.
It was the BIGGEST television screen I have ever seen. It was as big as the room! Sooooo cool! We watched a special Tesco Entertainment exclusive film, Monsters vs. Aliens – Mutant Pumpkins from Outer Space that was about getting back the Halloween candy from the evil pumpkins. Everyone thought I would be scared, but I showed them.
So what am I going to be this year? Well, from the looks of it, I am dressing up as lots of bones. Or as mami calls it, a skeleton. Thanks to the girls at Clothing for Tesco I will be scary this year, not cute.
Happy Halloween everyone!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Give me my dummy!
Something is definitely going on. I have a sneaky suspicion that mami and papi are trying to get rid of my tetes or dummy's.
When I cry out for my tete, mami will look at papi and say "we can't let him have it during the day" Papi will look at me with sad eyes and say "you can't have it right now"
But I just demand my tete...wahhhhhhhh! Tete, tete, tete! And eventually mami says "okay, just give it to him, but he really should only have it for sleeping".
In goes the tete and I'm happy as can be. As for them, mami gives daddy a mean look and he says, "don't blame me, you told me to".
"Okay, but tomorrow no tete, only for sleeping"
Suuuuuuure I think. It's what she always says.
But this week I noticed that my usual assortment of tetes were no where to be found. I checked by my bed, and nothing. I checked in the bathroom, NADA. I checked in my back pack, and it was empty. I even ran into the kitchen and there was nothing on the counter.
Uh oh. I think she really means business this time. I cried and cried for my tete, but mami came over to me and said "No Little M, el tete es solo para dormir/the dummy is only for sleeping"
Eventually, she found a tete. I knew she had one! It was close enough to bedtime that she let me have it. But I'm not too happy about my stash being reduced. I have been on the same tete for a week now and I think this may be the last of them.
Can't believe she doesn't want me to have it! I love my tete - I really hope she doesn't take it away for good. I will fight for it until the end and I won't make it easy.
Just you wait mami. Just you wait.
When I cry out for my tete, mami will look at papi and say "we can't let him have it during the day" Papi will look at me with sad eyes and say "you can't have it right now"
But I just demand my tete...wahhhhhhhh! Tete, tete, tete! And eventually mami says "okay, just give it to him, but he really should only have it for sleeping".
In goes the tete and I'm happy as can be. As for them, mami gives daddy a mean look and he says, "don't blame me, you told me to".
"Okay, but tomorrow no tete, only for sleeping"
Suuuuuuure I think. It's what she always says.
That's it. The last one. I refuse to let it go.
But this week I noticed that my usual assortment of tetes were no where to be found. I checked by my bed, and nothing. I checked in the bathroom, NADA. I checked in my back pack, and it was empty. I even ran into the kitchen and there was nothing on the counter.
Uh oh. I think she really means business this time. I cried and cried for my tete, but mami came over to me and said "No Little M, el tete es solo para dormir/the dummy is only for sleeping"
Eventually, she found a tete. I knew she had one! It was close enough to bedtime that she let me have it. But I'm not too happy about my stash being reduced. I have been on the same tete for a week now and I think this may be the last of them.
Can't believe she doesn't want me to have it! I love my tete - I really hope she doesn't take it away for good. I will fight for it until the end and I won't make it easy.
Just you wait mami. Just you wait.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Dark figures on the sidewalk
I learn something new everyday.
Really! It just never ends.
Mami and were walking back from the park on a sunny Sunday morning when I noticed there were two dark figures on the sidewalk and they did exactly what we did.
When I moved my arms up, it moved too. When mami jumped up and down, it jumped too.
We walked, and they walked. One was really tall like mami, and the other was little like me.
Then a doggy walked by moving its tail, and the dark figure moved its tail too.
What was going on?
Then I remembered that at night when I am getting ready for bed mami moves her hands in front of the lights and makes funny noises. And these dark figures were very similar but much bigger.
They were us!
Mami said they are called sha-dows or sombra in Spanish.
How cool is that?
Really! It just never ends.
Mami and were walking back from the park on a sunny Sunday morning when I noticed there were two dark figures on the sidewalk and they did exactly what we did.
That's us!
We walked, and they walked. One was really tall like mami, and the other was little like me.
Then a doggy walked by moving its tail, and the dark figure moved its tail too.
What was going on?
Then I remembered that at night when I am getting ready for bed mami moves her hands in front of the lights and makes funny noises. And these dark figures were very similar but much bigger.
They were us!
My best discovery yet - my shadow!
Mami said they are called sha-dows or sombra in Spanish.
How cool is that?
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Tickets to Britain's Next Top Model Live!
Two of mami’s favourites things to do are running and girly stuff. Now imagine combining the two?
Well it is possible and Boutique Sport has done just that! Boutique Sport are launching their calendar of events this month at the Britain’s Next Top Model Live 2010 Show at the ExCel in London’s Docklands 22nd – 24th October.
Boutique Sport gives women even more opportunities to combine exercise with a great girls night out. Apparently mami is always saying she needs one of those.
They are looking to go beyond running and have events such as dancing (mami loves this!) and cycling. All sporting events would be followed by a fabulous party including music, champagne drinks, and lots of pampering!
Sounds good doesn’t it? Well, mami and I have a pair of tickets to giveaway to see Britain’s Next Top Model Live 2010 with Boutique Sport.
But wait! There is more.
While you are at the exhibition you can enter to become the “Face of Boutique Sport” on the BNTM Open Catwalk. Judges will be looking for vibrant and active women.
The winner of the search will receive a professional photo shoot, the chance to appear in the Boutique Sport 2011 campaign imagery, chance to compete at events and free entry to all Boutique Sport events for life!
So what are you waiting for? Enter to win 2 tickets to BNTM Live 2010 with Boutique Sport!
Just answer this question:
What is the name of the half marathon mami was suppose to run but had to drop out due to injury?
(Answer is in the blog)
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Add us to your RSS feed/follow on Google Connect
Follow me on Facebook
*Closes Tuesday 19th October*
Good luck!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
VLOG: Who nose?
Are you ready for this?
I was sitting in my crib early one morning, waiting for mami to come get me. I was playing with some toys and just poking around. I started touching my face, then I licked my fingers and then I touched my nose. I had learned about my nose at nursery. Suddenly one of my fingers went into my nose! What?!
Yes! Did you know you have two holes on your nose? I couldn't believe it! I put my other finger into my other nose hole and it fit perfectly.
I called out to mami, and when she came in I surprised her with my new discovery. She just looked down at me and laughed. "Ay, Little M. Don't put your fingers in your nose" and called daddy in to see.
I just started laughing and kept touching the holes in my nose. Mami and daddy's faces were so funny that I kept doing it just to get a reaction. Well, see for yourself! (mami doesn't know how to edit videos so you don't have to watch all 3 minutes)
Then I noticed that they had holes too! So naturally I put my finger into daddy's nose. I started laughing but daddy moved his face away. Oh, he ruined the fun!
I was sitting in my crib early one morning, waiting for mami to come get me. I was playing with some toys and just poking around. I started touching my face, then I licked my fingers and then I touched my nose. I had learned about my nose at nursery. Suddenly one of my fingers went into my nose! What?!
Yes! Did you know you have two holes on your nose? I couldn't believe it! I put my other finger into my other nose hole and it fit perfectly.
I called out to mami, and when she came in I surprised her with my new discovery. She just looked down at me and laughed. "Ay, Little M. Don't put your fingers in your nose" and called daddy in to see.
I just started laughing and kept touching the holes in my nose. Mami and daddy's faces were so funny that I kept doing it just to get a reaction. Well, see for yourself! (mami doesn't know how to edit videos so you don't have to watch all 3 minutes)
Then I noticed that they had holes too! So naturally I put my finger into daddy's nose. I started laughing but daddy moved his face away. Oh, he ruined the fun!
This has been my best discovery yet (well, the first was finding out I was a boy) so I thought I would share this video with you. I don't know what all the fuss is about, its so much fun!
Friday, October 8, 2010
Helping kids have a better Christmas
Hola! How is every one doing? Hope you all had a good week. Mine could have been better, but I’m feeling much better after my little brush with tummy flu. Mami got some sort of bug too, but she is tougher than me.
Mami and I have lots to tell you. The latest is about a special project that is helping children have a happier Christmas this year.
An award winning skincare brand, called thisworks are looking to raise money to help buy 2,000 Christmas dinners for the Kids Company charity.
To do this, they have launched a special limited edition collection of skincare products called Helping Hands. thisworks will donate £1.80 from each Helping Hands product that is sold to make a child's wish come true this December.
So what does this charity do you ask? Well, the Kids Company is a charity that provides practical, emotional and educational support to vulnerable inner city children. Since 2008, thisworks has been supporting the London based charity through sales of selected products.
They have done a very good job so far and have raised nearly £80,000! Amazing, right?
You know how much mami loves her skincare and I know that you mamas love that stuff too. So why not pick up a little something for yourself, and a friend or two and help raise money for kids?
From what I hear, mami has her eye on the Super Lips balm.
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Mami and I have lots to tell you. The latest is about a special project that is helping children have a happier Christmas this year.
An award winning skincare brand, called thisworks are looking to raise money to help buy 2,000 Christmas dinners for the Kids Company charity.
To do this, they have launched a special limited edition collection of skincare products called Helping Hands. thisworks will donate £1.80 from each Helping Hands product that is sold to make a child's wish come true this December.
So what does this charity do you ask? Well, the Kids Company is a charity that provides practical, emotional and educational support to vulnerable inner city children. Since 2008, thisworks has been supporting the London based charity through sales of selected products.
You know how much mami loves her skincare and I know that you mamas love that stuff too. So why not pick up a little something for yourself, and a friend or two and help raise money for kids?
You have the choice between the Perfect Hands cream or the Wish pack
that has Super Lips, Tired Eye Serum and Quick Spritz.
From what I hear, mami has her eye on the Super Lips balm.
Like I said, we have lots to tell you, but I will be back later this weekend with more stories and updates.
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Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Not feeling so good
I didn't feel very well today.
After my milk, I threw up all over mami and daddy's bed.
Then after she cleaned it up and changed me, I threw up on mami.
After that, I got sick on the sofa.
Then once more on the side of the coffee table.
Watching Peppa Pig
Drinking a special juice the doctor gave me to make me feel better
Taking a little nap on the sofa
I know it breaks mami's heart to see me like this, but I think she secretly enjoys being able to hug me and kiss me and hold me close.
What can I say, sometimes I just give in and let her take care of me.
So mami, enjoy it while you can, because I am hoping for a fast recovery!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Uh oh! Here come the girls
Uh oh is right.
I admit. Not my finest moment.
Being drenched in kisses, wrapped in hugs and picked up by mami AND abuelita (grandma) everyday, all day for three weeks this past summer when she came to visit was not my idea of fun.
Although I love them both very much, I couldn't take much more all the lovey dovey girly stuff.
I admit. Not my finest moment.
Being drenched in kisses, wrapped in hugs and picked up by mami AND abuelita (grandma) everyday, all day for three weeks this past summer when she came to visit was not my idea of fun.
Although I love them both very much, I couldn't take much more all the lovey dovey girly stuff.
Give a boy a break!
So I finally let them know how I really felt.
Arrgggg, girls. When will they learn?
Daddy hosted a Sunday roast!
At least once a month daddy likes to prepare a big Sunday lunch.
Over the summer we didn't do this as much, but now that the leaves are falling to the ground and the sun isn't out all afternoon, daddy has been looking through his cook books looking for that perfect recipe.
See, daddy is the chef in the family and mami likes it when he makes a big meal. That way we have leftovers and we don't have to worry about dinner the next night (she likes to plan ahead).
Daddy in cooking it up!
Baked apples and the carrot and swede
We were supposed to have some friends come over, but in the end it was just the three of us!
Daddy's Sunday Lunch Menu
Pork loin with crackling (mami stayed away from that!)
Baked apples
Yorkshire puddings
Roast potatoes
Onion and sage stuffing
Carrot and swede mash
Cream celeriac and parsley salad
Cream celeriac and parsley salad
Lettuce and tomato salad
Wine for mami and daddy
Orange juice for me
Homemade fruit salad (even though we were too full to have some!)
So when the cooking began, we cleared out because we have a small kitchen. Only one of us can really be in there at one time. Which reminds me that Aunt Bessie's is also giving you the chance to win your very own tasty IKEA kitchen worth £8000! Mami says that if she had a big kitchen she just might consider cooking more. Hmm?
I sit at the head of the table!
In the end, the roast was really delicious and daddy got to spend time with us because the sides were easy to make. If you don't believe me, just look at the pictures!
Daddy's masterpiece
The best part about Sunday lunches is that we all get to sit at the table together. Usually I am in bed when mami and daddy eat, so it was a special treat for me.
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Sunday, October 3, 2010
Medieval Mayhem at Hamleys!
Instead of taking it easy on a rainy Sunday morming, we were all up early, dressed and ready to go by 9.30am.
Suspicious, very suspicious.
But I just went along and was happy to be out the door with mami and daddy.
We took a bus, then the tube. Soon we were near mami's office. But, instead of making a turn, we continued along the same street and stopped right outside two glass doors, up above was a big red flag with white letters, and inside the doors were hundreds and hundreds of toys!
We were at Hamleys toystore...yesssss! I had only ever walked by before, but this time we got to go in.
Last week, the nice people from Warwick Castle (Britian's Ultimate Castle) invited me and mami and daddy to come visit them on their special tour at Hamleys toy store in London. Can you believe it?! I had the entire store to myself!
It is all part of Hamleys 250th birthday celebrations. For the entire month of October, Warwick Castle will be taking over the store transforming it into a Medieval Mayhem. This is a new partnership between the two; and several creatures and characters from the castle will be visiting the store throughout the month. I should know, some of them were there today!
They best thing about their visit to the toy store is that they brought with them two HUGE birds! One bald eagle and a really fat owl. Mami and I got close but I could feel she was nervous standing so close.
After seeing the birds and keeping away from the man in the shiny suit, we walked around to see all the toys.
If you are looking for a fun day out with your families, the castle will transform into a Haunted Castle from 16th - 31st of October. That's Halloween you know!
But if you don't want to be scared, you can visit the castle from the 11th - 24th of December. The courtyard will be decorated and transformed into a Winter Wonderland. I hear an old man named Santa who brings toys might be there too.
I hope mami takes daddy and I! She promised to make a trip very soon!
Don't miss the latest offers and updates from Warwick Castle!
Follow them on twitter, or why not tweet: "@verybusymama and I are following @warwickcastle for latest offers & updates and so should you!"
bye bye,
Suspicious, very suspicious.
But I just went along and was happy to be out the door with mami and daddy.
We took a bus, then the tube. Soon we were near mami's office. But, instead of making a turn, we continued along the same street and stopped right outside two glass doors, up above was a big red flag with white letters, and inside the doors were hundreds and hundreds of toys!
We were at Hamleys toystore...yesssss! I had only ever walked by before, but this time we got to go in.
Meeting Hamley Bear
Last week, the nice people from Warwick Castle (Britian's Ultimate Castle) invited me and mami and daddy to come visit them on their special tour at Hamleys toy store in London. Can you believe it?! I had the entire store to myself!
There's the princess!
Official Knighting of Hamley Bear
It is all part of Hamleys 250th birthday celebrations. For the entire month of October, Warwick Castle will be taking over the store transforming it into a Medieval Mayhem. This is a new partnership between the two; and several creatures and characters from the castle will be visiting the store throughout the month. I should know, some of them were there today!
They best thing about their visit to the toy store is that they brought with them two HUGE birds! One bald eagle and a really fat owl. Mami and I got close but I could feel she was nervous standing so close.
Look at that bird! Mami and I were both scared!
After seeing the birds and keeping away from the man in the shiny suit, we walked around to see all the toys.
The shiny guy
I had Hamleys all to myself!
If you are looking for a fun day out with your families, the castle will transform into a Haunted Castle from 16th - 31st of October. That's Halloween you know!
But if you don't want to be scared, you can visit the castle from the 11th - 24th of December. The courtyard will be decorated and transformed into a Winter Wonderland. I hear an old man named Santa who brings toys might be there too.
I hope mami takes daddy and I! She promised to make a trip very soon!
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