Thursday, October 14, 2010

Dark figures on the sidewalk

I learn something new everyday.

Really! It just never ends.

Mami and were walking back from the park on a sunny Sunday morning when I noticed there were two dark figures on the sidewalk and they did exactly what we did.

 That's us!

When I moved my arms up, it moved too. When mami jumped up and down, it jumped too.

We walked, and they walked. One was really tall like mami, and the other was little like me.

Then a doggy walked by moving its tail, and the dark figure moved its tail too.

What was going on?

Then I remembered that at night when I am getting ready for bed mami moves her hands in front of the lights and makes funny noises. And these dark figures were very similar but much bigger.

They were us!

 My best discovery yet - my shadow!

Mami said they are called sha-dows or sombra in Spanish.

How cool is that?


  1. Oh I loved it when the boys figured out shaddows!

  2. What a great discovery, I'd forgotten how exciting shadows are as it's been so many years since I found mine. I'll make sure I show them to Leo when we are out next.

  3. My children love shadows and enjoy jumping over their own. It can last for ages!!! We also play a game where you have to tread on the other persons whilst they run away

  4. Ahhh shadow play is such fun - my Grandad used to do shadow birds and all sorts - I really must learn how to do that with my two :)

  5. My Little Man was terrified the first time he noticed his shadow. Now he loves how tall he is in his shadow, and loves jumping on his, well his shadows head :-)!


Say hello to my sister, Little L!

It's been a very long time. My days as a blogger are over (at least I think they are?) — I'm now mami's sort of photographer (I...