Monday, January 31, 2011

We tried it! Batteries, a fryer and a book

Mami and I are very grateful when we are asked to review products. What we like the best is the different variety of things we get to test out and then we get to tell you all about them.

And we sure have a variety for you this week: batteries, a fryer and a book!

So here we go!

Tefal ActiFry

We don't really make too many fried foods. Mostly because smell lingers in our small flat and because mami is afraid of the hot oil. So when Tefal, the makers of ActiFry offered for us to try their low fat "deep fat" fryer, mami thought, "why not? It's got a top"

Mami and papi decided to make seafood empanadas, a Chilean like pasty. Normally you would have to fry them in a pan of oil, but with the ActiFry all you need is one spoonful of oil!

No mess. Easy to use and yummy golden empanadas

The fryer has a see through lid and it prevents any hot oil jumping up at you. There is a paddle that stirs the food so that is doesn't burn and to coat the outside of the pastry.

It can be used to fry chips, potato wedges, sausages, or even stir fries and many other recipes.

But our empanadas came out golden! Really! They were gently toasted, cooked all the way through and didn't have that heavy oily taste that fried foods can have.

Mami and papi are genuinely impressed. They normally don't buy too many kitchen appliances, but would recommend this fryer to busy families who want delicious low fat foods.

Papi says "Even easier than using the oven".

Mami says "Certainly worth investing in, especially for fast, healthy, great tasting meals"

Duracell Ultra Power Batteries

I wondered what had happened to all my toys. They suddenly all went quiet. I tried to turn them on and nothing would happen.

Turns out, the batteries had all run out and mami had never replaced them! She could have replaced them, but she just didn't like all the "noise" they made.

Sneaky mami!

It became clear when Duracell sent us a selection of their new Ultra Power batteries and papi put them into my toys.

Wow! They all lit up and I could now sing along with my tool bench, my choo-choo train moved on its own and my Dora the Explorer music box worked again! I'm not going to let the batteries run out ever again.

Besides, they have a little tester on the side, so I can see for myself how much power is left. But I have a feeling they will last a very long time.

Thank you Duracell for making my toys work again!

Ping and Pong

I love books. I also like to taste them too (sorry mami, I can't help it).

This month, one of mami's twitter friends Amy Trevaskus asked us if we wanted to review HER book Ping and Pong: Splash.

Can you believe it? She wrote the book. So cool!

I think it is for older kids, but mami reads it to me in parts. The pictures are very colourful and I like to look at the drawings.

Amy said another book about grandparents would be out soon. I can't wait for that one because I love my grandma and grandpa very much, I have four of them you know!

This book is all about a girl named Lucy who has two friends named Ping and Pong who live in a clock in her house. She takes them to the park in her pocket and they like to do what I like to do, splash!

My favourite line is "I love the rain and I love the park and I love PUDDLES!" Hey, just like me!

When mami reads me the book she pretends to splash around, but I know it's not for real (but it is very funny).

I give this book two hands up. Thanks Amy for letting us read this!

And that's all from us for today, let us know if you have tried any of these or want more details.

I know that mami has some other things she wants me to blog about, and possibly some giveaways too, so stay tuned.

Bye bye for now!

1 comment:

  1. Great reviews. We have the Actifry too - which reminds me, I need to write a review. Ooops.


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It's been a very long time. My days as a blogger are over (at least I think they are?) — I'm now mami's sort of photographer (I...