Friday, February 11, 2011

Mami and Dove Visible Effects

Holaaaaaa! It's been a week or of non-stop action.

Nursery is getting serious now, gone are the good old days of running around and playing with toys.

Now I actually have to pay attention.

I have to count to 10, learn colours, learn different shapes and repeat new words. They are even trying to teach me something called French. It can be overwhelming you know.

And mami, well, she says she is "all over the place" with work and well, mostly work. Oh, and training for the London marathon, running makes her extra tired.

Anyway, I'm here now and mami has asked me to do a special giveaway for all you mamas out there.

Dove sent mami their new visible effects body lotion and hand cream to try out. I'm sure that if I have dry skin during the winter, that grown ups do too.

It's a new formula that provides "supreme moisture" because it works and nourishes every layer of your skin and making your skin look really nice.

Mami has been using it a lot on her legs and elbows because she says those areas are the most dry. Just like me! (but I have my own lotions)

So far so good and it smells good too!

Mami likes it and since we like to share what we like, Dove has given us both the body lotion and the hand cream to give to one lucky winner - and it's really easy to enter.

This is what you have to do:

1. Give Dove a like on their Facebook page
2. Leave us a comment saying you have done so and a quick hello!

And if you want an extra entry you can tweet:

Say NO to dry skin! Win Dove Visible Effects with @verybusymama and Little M

(you will have to leave me a comment to tell me you have tweeted)

And that's it!

One entry per person
UK only
Ends Friday 25th February 8.00pm
Winner selected at random if No 1 & 2 are complete

And of course, buena suerte!


  1. I tweeted about competition @anna8301
    Thank you

  2. I have 'liked' Dove on Facebook.

    (twitter ID @annieanna24)

  3. Hi, thanks for running the competition!
    I have 'liked' Dove on Facebook.


  4. I have tweeted!

  5. I like Dove on Facebook, as well as in real life!

  6. I like Dove on facebook and I tweeted too @thiscrazymumma :)

  7. I've liked Dove on Facebook and have retweeted on Twitter @Cat1980uk

    Thanks so much for the comp

  8. I like Dove on Facebook as Marzena Sz


  9. hiya, I've just tweeted as @jumblyMummy

  10. I already liked Dove on Facebook so I couldn't do that, but I've tweeted @janesgrapevine

  11. Hi - I have now tweeted as well. I am @beachrambler

  12. 1 have liked dove on facebook

  13. HI there,

    I posted a comment on Facebook as Francesca Light-Wilson and tweeted the competition message too as @LoveWinning.

    Apologies for 'anonymous' comment - problems logging with Google account today!

    F x

  14. I liked Dove facebook page
    via Janet Taylor

  15. have tweeted your tweet
    via @Jaz246t

  16. Have liked the Dove facebook page and have tweeted @MrsWebster147 :-)

  17. have liked on facebook {Mary Chez)
    also tweeted (@Boo1003)

  18. have liked on facebook {Mary Chez)
    also tweeted (@Boo1003)

  19. hi have liked on Facebook (Jane Morfett)

  20. Have liked Dove on Facebook.x

    just have to say how gentle the Dove products usually are. My mum suffers with Psoriasis and finds these products are great even with her sensitive skin.


  21. Hi! Have liked Dove onn Facebook

  22. Morning, Ive liked the FB page

    Thanks for the competition

  23. I have tweeted as well gidders1 twitter

  24. I already liked Dove on FB, and have tweeted too @TinkerbellGemz


  25. Hello I've liked Dove on fb (Erica Price)

  26. I already like Dove on facebook :-)

  27. I liked Dove on Facebook! and I've tweeted @kimmer2111

  28. Hi :) great bol, i have liked dove on Facebook and tweeted via twitter too @boopsyou :)

  29. Hi :)
    Already loving Dove on Facebook, I use it too

  30. Following you on Twitter and have tweeted @ellielucky x

  31. I like Dove on facebook

  32. I have Liked Dove on Facebook and tweeted the message (@racheletitley)


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