Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Make Mine Milk Challenge!

Ever since mami met the Make Mine Milk team a few months ago, she has been drinking more milk (remember our milk tashes?!)

It's true!

Especially now that she is training for the London marathon, she has been having milk after her long runs and realising that milk is also a good snack during the day.

And to prove she drinks the white stuff we have taken the Make Mine Milk challenge!

I spilled it on my favourite dinosaur t-shirt and it was too cold for mami's sensitive teeth.

She was trying to beat Justin Bieber's time, but that didn't happen!

Total time: 48 seconds

Are you going to take the challenge?!


  1. haha brilliant! I shall do this with Belle :-) That's a lot of milk though! x

  2. Very cute. I think you have to give yourself extra time for all the breaks you took. Love how Little M just did it at his own sweet pace. I have to say I think Jed would beat all of us on this one - he sure can guzzle down the white stuff.


Say hello to my sister, Little L!

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