Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A blogaversary giveaway

So much as happened in just a few short days. Mami ran the marathon on Sunday and on Monday our blog turned 1.

Like I mentioned before, it's been a good year for us!

Sooooo, when Spa Find Skin Care and Earth Friendly Kids heard it was our one year blogaversary they sent us a little gift - one for mami and one for me.

But wait! To continue the celebration and to thank everyone for their support we are giving 5 readers the chance to win a mummy and child set of goodies.

The Spa Find Coconut Oil Spritz for you mummies and the Earth Friendly Baby Shampoo and Bodywash for us kids.

Both approved and liked by us!

The oil spray lasts all day and mami said she smelled so good she wanted to take a bite of her arm! (that's true, because I wanted to taste it too)

 Seriously good Coconut Oil Spray for mummies

And for your little one's I have the Earthy Friendly Baby Shampoo and Bodywash - I'm not a baby anymore but the gentle wash is perfect and it doesn't hurt my eyes.

 Been keeping clean with these since last year

I did my first ever review for them, last year so it has been tried and tested!

All you have to do is:

Leave us a comment below telling us when your blogaversary is and a twitter or email to contact you if you win.  

I only ask that if you are on Facebook,  do give us a thumbs up please!  

If you are not on there, please do at least follow our blog or mami on twitter @verybusymama

You can also tweet:
It's Mummy's Busy World 1st blogaversary and you can win a set of mum and child goodies @verybusymama

We will choose 5 winners on Wednesday the 4th of May

Thank you and good luck! You will LOVE these prizes.

Thank you to everyone who entered! The winners are:


Please email/DM us your address


  1. Oooh sounds lovely! My 1 yr blogoversary is at the end of July! Have already liked you on Facebook! (, @nicsnotebook) x

  2. Happy 1st blog anniversary
    Yes they both look amazing!
    I don't have a blog :( but i have liked you on FB :))

  3. hi well done on your marathon
    i am a follower of yours from before on your blog and twitter too
    i do not have a blog but do follow you so please enter me into this competitions look really good products
    thank you

  4. I think I'll be cheeky and enter too! I already like, follow etc etc you! My blogoversary was last December but I didn't even celebrate it. Time to make up for it? X

  5. Happy blogaversary, my second blogaversary was on 10 March ;))) and have run the marathon as well...but you know that, as I was next to you for a few miles ;)))) @Kahanka

  6. My blogoversary is February when it will be 3 years old so quite the toddler with a lot to learn. I tweet as @netcurtains

  7. I have tweeted this as @netcurtains and liked you on Facebook as Kate Holmes

  8. I follow you on Twitter as @netcurtains

  9. Ooh i am going to be really really cheeky as i have only been blogging for 5/6 weeks so my 1st anniversary won't be until March 10 next year. But i absolutely love the smell of coconut oil reminds me of my childhood. My twitter is @frankie_parker x

  10. My 2nd blogaversary was on 2nd January and I celebrated with a competition!
    I'm following and I like you on Facebook too. Hurrah!

  11. My blogaversary is in August, so I am just a baby :)
    About to follow you on twitter @ali991

  12. our blogaversary is on the 11th of November. 2 years then. Eek.

    Am about to tweet. think i like you already but I'll check.


  13. am being cheeky as dont yet have a blog its just in the planning stage trying to get up enough courage to start it! have liked you on facebook am kiki woo on there.

    Have tweeted too @kikicomp

    and followed blog

  14. Happy 1st blog anniversary!!!
    I don't have a blog :( but i have liked you on FB and follow on Twitter @anna8301

  15. Hi my blogoversary is 23rd November (1st one!)Happy blogoversary to you...

  16. Tweeted comp as @Bobbity666

  17. End of March - only just started at
    Liked you on fb(Erica Price), follow you on twitter and tweeted @ericahughes.

  18. My blogoversary will be on the 23rd July which I had to look up.

    Happy Blogoversary to you!

    Would love to win and have liked you on Facebook.


  19. I don't have a blog of my own as such, just 3 website blogs that I update!
    Have followed you on Facebook.

  20. Happy blogoversary. I'm greedy, I've got two blogoversaries. I started my blog on 20th April 2008 but never made much of it and gave up after a few months. I restarted it on 30th April 2010 and now i'm loving it! So today (25th April) I'm exactly halfway between my two blogoversaries.


  21. Apparently mine is/was 15 March, which means my first blogaversary completely passed me by without noticing *shame*

    Already like on facebook & retweeted @meedja

  22. Happy blogaversary :)
    I don't have a blog
    I like your facebook page as Marzena Sz
    I follow you on twitter and I tweeted as @marzutek

  23. Happy Blogversary!!! Mine is in August (my 2nd this summer). I already follow you on twitter & enjoy all your tweets. Look forward to another year of your blog :)

  24. My first blogoversary was in Feb. Didn't celebrate my first, but hopefully by the time my second one comes, I shall have (or very nearly have) baby number two :-)

    Already follow you on twitter and liked you on FB xx

  25. Happy bloaversary! Mine isn't until 5th December 2011! Long way to go yet for me.

    I have liked on facebook as TheBoyandMe, I already follow you on twitter @TheBoyandMe, and I've tweeted. Have I missed anything?

  26. I follow you blog.
    I 'like' you on Facebook.
    I follow you on Twitter as @momonawire01 and have tweeted the link.
    My blogoversary is in September.

    Thank you :-D!

  27. Mine is 1st September. Congrats on the hard work!


  28. happy blogaversary :)

    i dont have a blog but have liked on facebook twinklenicci cowdell-murray
    i have tweeted and following u on twitter @twinklenicci fab blog xxx

  29. I do noy yet have a blog. I am following you on twitter @RuthMarianna

  30. I don't have a blog yet, but was planning to make one this week, so that shall be my future blogaversary! @Noodles220 x

  31. Mine is sometime in September I think! We had to make ours for a class in college lol.


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