Monday, April 18, 2011

One year ago we began this blog

I can't believe it - one year ago, on the 18th of April 2010 I began this blog for mami. She had been talking about "starting a blog" for some time, but never got around to it because as she put it, "I am too busy".

I thought, I know how to use a computer and a Blackberry so why not blog for her?

And so Mummy's Busy World began. I blogged about our busy lives and she tweeted. I thought I might hand it over to her, but this has worked out really well for us. We love it!

We were reading the posts from this time last year and mami got really sentimental seeing what we were up to then.

That's me this time last year - I was working on my first blog post

Going back to work, me at nursery, our days together and even some scary moments like when I fell and chipped my front tooth and when I got hand, foot and mouth disease. Yuck!

Amazing to see how much we have changed, how much bigger I've got (and how much more hair I have) all of the people we have met and all of the fantastic opportunities presented to us which would not have been possible otherwise - biggest one being mami being sponsored by Nestle Pure Life to run the London marathon which she did yesterday! (more on that this week)

I could go on and on about this, but we just want to thank everyone who reads our silly stories, ( I know, I talk about poop, a lot) and takes the time to stop by and say hello - we are very grateful!

We will be celebrating all week and I have have a little giveaway too.

So on the first anniversary of our blog we want to know why you started your blog and what has been the highlight of your year.

Leave us a comment below and share your first blog post if you want!

And if you are curious, here's my first ever blog post.


  1. Happy Birthday!

    My first post on HIm, Me & Three is at

  2. Him, Me & Three is my second blog. I started blogging in 2009 for a radio feature that we took part in that summer. It wasn't updated for a while and a lot had changed so I started afresh with

    The highlight of my year has been the birth of my third child and watching him grow from a constantly puking mess into a beautiful, cheeky boy :)

  3. Congrats on your year in blogging, I'm nearing my second actually, I have no idea how!
    My link to my first post (at 20sm) was about a broken old dolls house I wished to fix. Sadly, it ended up being binned as it was beyond help, and I've never got round to trying again! May have to now.

  4. A whole year blogging huh? I'm very new so still pretty green, unlike yourself, but I'm making up for my greenness with plenty of posts. It's rather an obsession right now. Why didn't you warn me how addictive blogging is?
    my first blog post is

  5. Happy Birthday! How exciting!! What a nice way to celebrate.

    my first post was Pop Art Ted ( and was actually a "sales pitch" to friends and family... the blog soon changed after that to become "craft resource"... and this was the first craft post

    M xx

  6. Congratulations!
    I started my first blog as a way of dealing with my Hubby being here while the Little Man and I were still in SA getting everything sorted before the big move. We were apart for two months which was just awful! The blog was a great way of expressing my feelings, and I received so much support from the blogging community.

  7. Congratulations! My fist blog post was rubbish, so am not sharing it....and a lot explain in this blog post almost a year later...

  8. Congratulations on a great year of blogging, topped off with an amazing achievement of a marathon run.
    When I looked back, I was surprised to see I've been blogging on and off since January 2006. But really my blog started to take off when I began to write about my running challenges, starting in February 2009 with this post:
    I really wish I'd written more about my training before then, but it's great to look back and see what I've achieved.
    I always enjoy reading your blog. It makes me smile. And I'd love to get the chance of sharing a run with you one day.

  9. Hmm, I think the day I started my blog I was in a very bad mood and my mini-rant is not appropriate for Little M's ears! Happy first birthday though!

  10. Congrats on your Blogiversary! Now following :)

  11. Wow, I'm so surprised you've been blogging less time than me! Although I didn't really do it regulary until May last year.

    I missed my blog's proper birthday but might have to celebrate in May as that's when people first read it!

    Congratulations - yours is one of my favourites!


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