But as much as I complain about not liking getting vaccinated because it hurts, mami explained that it was important that I had them so that I can be healthy and safe and not feel sick.
In January a very special group called Save the Children launched a campaign to help children around the world stay healthy and celebrate lots and lots of birthdays.
Every year 8 million kids like me get very sick and never recover. This is very sad, especially for their mummies and daddies who love them so much and miss them everyday!
See, this group are working on providing vaccinations and special nurses to help the kids that need it. But we can help too!
All you have to do (mami has done it for us) is sign the Save the Children Petition and then pass it on to your friends.
So easy!
That's my family!
You must do this by the 29th of May so it makes it to Mr Prime Minister in time for his very important meeting here in London with other world leaders to discuss this issue.
So you can either just sign the petition which is a great help, or you can also take part in the challenge started by Maggy at Red Ted Art
1. You and your kids can draw or craft a self portrait of your family now or in the future (I had mami draw a picture of our family because she said my version looked like nothing like us)
2. Write a blog post about it as soon as possible, including info about Save the Children and the petition
3. Tag 8 fellow blogger friends and link back to Maggy
4. Follow the hash tag #PassItOn
Thanks to Becky at Baby Budgeting and Mirka from All Baby Advice for asking me to take part!
So por favor help all those mummies and daddies make sure they can keep their kids happy and healthy for a long long time. Just like us!
We pass this on to:
Oh your Mami did a very nice picture! And thank you for supporting this very important cause! Hope next time you have a vaccination you feel better about it!
PS Don't forget to link it to the blog hop!