Sunday, June 19, 2011

Dora helps you explore even more!

I would do anything for Dora the Explorer!

We have so much in common you know. We like to explore (obviously), try new games, we both speak Spanish and English and I won't go anywhere without my mochila, or backpack.

Doing my own exploring with papi at Stonehenge
And now Dora and Nick Jr. (you know, the channel her show is on) has started a campaign called Help Dora Help to encourage more exploration activities to nurseries and pre-schools across the UK.

I already have tons of fun at my nursery, but I think between Dora and I we could teach them a thing or two about exploring!

The campaign is supported by The Princes Foundation for Children and the Arts and includes a free activity pack that gives nurseries and pre-schools educational activity resources and the opportunity to apply for a grant of up to £20,000.

According to mami, that's a whole lot of money!

The activity pack, created by education experts at Nick Jr. follows the Early Years Foundation Stage development goals and provides learning opportunities from Dora's adventures.

It has six activity session plans, a guide for teachers to encourage us kids to use our imaginations, solve problems and develop our sense of physical adventure.

I'm already pretty good at this, but hey, a little help doesn't hurt anyone!

Runners up will be awarded discovery and learning equipment packages and Dora HERSELF will visit a few of the nurseries. There will also be the opportunity for some of the nurseries to be featured on Nick Jr.

Sooooo cool! I hope they choose my nursery!

I have already told my teachers about this because I really want to meet DORA!

So if your kids go to nursery or pre-school, be sure to tell them about this chance with Dora and let them know they can apply for the free Help Dora Help Activity Pack and Award Fund at Nick Jr.

So, ¿qué esperan? What are you waiting for? Get applying!

1 comment:

  1. What a fantastic idea. Will let our nursery know. Thanks! D x


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