Saturday, August 27, 2011

Rainy day fun

This past week the weather has been really funny. I mean really strange.

One moment it rains really really hard (so much that the rain drops hurt my head when we got caught outside) and the next the sun is out and it gets very very hot.

But anyway, that's the British summer for you! However when it rains for most of the day it means I can't go outside until it stops so we have to find fun things to do...inside.

I wasn't sure what mami had planned. But  I'm happy to report she came up with some very fun ideas - who knew she had it in her?

One day we made a tent and had our lunch inside of it. Even papi who was home joined us.

Another day I made pizza bagels - and I mean it when I say, I MADE THEM. I even got to use a knife, but the rule is I can only use one WITH mami, not alone. 

Mami surprised my by bringing out a craft kit that Fairy had sent us with eggs (not real ones!) paints, scissors and string to make athletes in honour of the London Olympics. Sneaky mami had kept this from me but better late than never!

I helped paint and cut out their arms and legs and we glued them on. That was a lot of fun because mami let me do whatever I wanted! We made Dan the Diver - but his swim suit looks like a pair of underwear - so funny!

And of course, we did eventually go outside, and mami put her boots on too and guess what we did? We jumped IN the puddles! Every single one of them on our street! Even the big one on the corner that she usually says I can't jump in. 

We both got very wet, but we didn't care!

See? Rainy days can be fun!

Do you have other ideas you can share with us? Because I hear there's a whole lot more rain coming and we need to keep busy!


  1. sounds like you both had a great day! Splashing in puddles is always very popular here too and when it is too wet to do that we build a camp inside too and spend hours having tea parties etc

  2. Great ideas! we have had to start crafting as well. Find it gets my little one mentally tired but she still needs a run around to get physically tired enough for bed. Kids eh? x

  3. Looks like you and Little M had lots of fun even in the rain- now fingers crossed for a sunny September so you can get out and about! Great post :) Rxxx

  4. we love to cook when its rainy - your bagels look yummy! when its rainy, Lara likes to make us tea and food for her teddies. This weekend she made us sock-stew. yum.


Say hello to my sister, Little L!

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