Sunday, October 9, 2011

Food fun! Make hotdog and spaghetti creatures

Mami saw something really cool on Facebook.

And when I say cool, I mean super duper best discovery EVER kind of cool.

She discovered...hotdog and spaghetti creatures!

So of course we made them.

I helped mami cut up the hotdogs, I broke the spaghetti sticks in half, made the creatures and then ate them. That was the best part!

We love this so much we want you to try it too!

So here's what you have to do, it's very easy:

1. Get a few hotdogs
2. Cut them up into pieces
3. Break spaghetti sticks in half or use curly pasta
4. Poke the sticks through the hotdogs making arms and legs
5. Cook them for 6-8 mins in boiling water (only mami can do this)
6. Then EAT THEM! (but first let them cool off)

We didn't come up with this idea, but we wanted to share it because it's so much fun!

What do you think? Are you going to try this out?

We are going to try to make more fun creations with food, but we would like to hear what you have made....we would like more ideas!

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