Sunday, September 5, 2010

Out of commission

It started out as a very happy day. Mami was finally doing the Adidas Women's 5K Challenge for Arthritis Research UK and then we were going to my friend's birthday party.

Just another Sunday. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Until mami fell, sprained her ankle and scraped her leg at the 4k mark.

After that, the day just got worse for both of us.

Let me explain....although she continued running and finished in record time of 32 minutes (although without the fall she was set to come in under 30 minutes) she still had pain in her ankle.

Mummy to 5K!
Caroline from Family Vie, mami, Mirka from All Baby Advice and Nova from Cherised by Me

She walked it off, we took pictures with the other runners and my blogging friends and we came home.

She fell hard!
Still smiling - the worse was yet to come. For both of us!

To give mami a break, daddy and I went to the park. Then my bad day began.

I was just walking along, picking up sticks and rocks when I felt something on my cheek. I tried to get it off but it stayed there. It was also moving and then OUCH!!!!  I felt a sharp pain on my face and I cried out for daddy! OUCH OUCH OUCH!!!! Ohhhhh, it hurt!!!!

Daddy rushed over and then quickly picked me up and hugged me. My cheek was burning and the pain was still there. Daddy wiped away my tears and said it was gone now. I had been stung by something called a wasp. I had never had pain like that before. I cried and hugged daddy and he just held me close.

Then we came home to find mami crying because her ankle hurt. She looked at me and daddy and said "I can't walk. The pain is getting worse. I am going to have to go to the A&E".

Uh oh! I thought. I've been there and I know they make you wait for a very. long. time. Daddy didn't know what to do or who to leave me with. But mami called Auntie Lis and she came over to help mami to the doctor.


After my dinner, my bath and my bedtime, I heard mami come back home. I was already in bed, but I heard the door shut. She came home with a special wrap around ther ankle.

The doctor said she has a sprained ankle, cannot walk for 3 days, and chances are she may not be able to run the Royal Park Half Marathon in October. She knows she has to rest, but she is very upset about not doing the marathon. Poor mami! She has been training very hard for that race.

We both had a bad day and we just want the pain to go away. Daddy has been helping her around the house, and from what I saw, she won't be able to play with me. Or chase me. Or come after me when I play behind the TV. Hmm? This could get interesting!

I will keep you posted on her progress.

Right now she has her leg up on pillows and a bag of peas on it! Silly mami.


  1. Ouuuuuuuuuch!!!!! Well done for getting through the 5k but so sorry to hear that you'll not be able to do your event in October. I know I'd be gutted. Hope you're on the mend soon - and have plenty of support around you until you're back on your feet. Will be thinking of you.

  2. Poor Mami! Make sure she rests it Little M. It must by so disappointing for your Mami after training for the half marathon. Just think about all the hard work she did inspiring other mummies with the #mummyto5K though!

  3. Oh that looks sore! I hope you will make a full recvovery in time for the marathon. Wasps are everywhere here at the moment. But luckily none of us have been stung yet! X

  4. Hi Little M, I'm so sorry to hear that a lovely day had such a horrible end. I hope you are feeling better after that wasp stung you.
    You might remember that I run a lot too. And I'm training to run a half marathon like your mami, but mine is in 2 weeks time. And I know I would be very disappointed if I hurt myself and couldn't run.
    So please will you be extra nice to your mami and take care of her while her ankle hurts. She might be a bit sad about not being able to run too, but I am sure you can think of some ways to make her smile.

  5. Oh dear that really is a bad day for both of you! Hope you get better soon and that you make the most of having to be catered for ;) xx

  6. Oh dear Little M poor you and poor Mami! Hopefully you are already feeling better and Mami will in a few days. She did very well with a time of 32 mins considering her fall. Hugs and kisses to you both xx

  7. Devil's claw, try it to take away the inflammation. Poor you. I have a torn tendon in my knee. Six weeks before it's really got a lot better. Well done though 5km in just over 32 minutes is really good going. Without a sprain, let alone with. Don't forget you can combine your training. Ie Swimming when the ankle feels better, and biking. Less strain on the ankle while it's mending. Positive Mental Attitude :) Try...!
    Wasps - nasty things little m eh - hmm not a good day for you and mami lol

  8. You poor things! I'm so sorry for you. I know you know, but for the ankle its RICE - Rest Ice Compression Elevation. You're doing it all... it'll go... try not to get too down. And don't rush getting back into running, take it EASY. Take care & dont lose your Running Mojo - you've done SO well!

  9. Hi everyone! Maria here, thanks SOOOO much for all of your comments and well wishes. Yes, I am very disappointed because I may not be able to run the half marathon, but I am resting and icing it. Believe me, I want to get better! Just when I had decided to really make an effort to become a better runner and get fitter...oh well. Poo happens. LOL..

  10. ohhhhhhh! Little M and mami ! sooooo sorrrryyyyy! esperamos se mejoren! un beso grande ... y muchas oraciones de aca para alla!

  11. Hope you get better soon and cannot wait to run with you again soon ;) @Kahanka

  12. Oh no, you did really well for someone with a sprain. Rest well.

    And poor little M, wasps are nasty, nasty things.

  13. That is harsh! We are in the same boat. I am supposed to be doing the Cardiff Half in October, but an ankle sprain has slowed my training down, plus the two people doing it with me have dropped out. :-( And Small Girl was stung on the cheek by a wasp last week. It landed, and she tried to brush it away. I was worried in case she had an allergic reaction as it was the first time. Hope the ankle improves. How bad is the sprain? Last time I did mine it took aaaaaaaages to recover - this time, not so bad. Good luck!


Say hello to my sister, Little L!

It's been a very long time. My days as a blogger are over (at least I think they are?) — I'm now mami's sort of photographer (I...