Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Mami please slow down

Mami is ALWAYS in a hurry.

Even when she isn't running late she is telling me to ¡apúrate, vamos! /Hurry, let's go!

I don't get, I just want to take my time and wander, explore, touch, smell and just look at things. Just because she has seen it all doesn't mean that I have. I think she forgets that I am only 2!

For instance we zoom by the really pretty flowers outside our door. Mami has never really stopped to smell them and I usually stop to examine the yellow and black insects flying around them called bees.

Oh and how was I supposed to know that the circular, coil-like shell stuck to the side of the porch is a snail? I saw it on the wall last week and she wouldn't let me touch it.

But papi did! And now every morning I stop to say "hola snail".

And why is it that she pretends not to see ants on the ground when she knows how much I like following them?

And what about the ladybirds? Or "ladybugs" as she calls them.

They are my favourite insects ever and I just want to collect them in my bucket and bring them home with me so that I can play with them later. I don't see why that would bother anyone, they don't take up any room at all!

I could go and on, but I will leave it here for now. I mean, I do have fun with mami but I wish she would listen to what I want to do.

So this is for all mummies and daddies who are always in a rush: please just let us enjoy our time outside, there is only so much we can take of legos, drawing and cartoons.

And mami please, just slow down a bit and let me take my time.


  1. Very valid point little M - I've noticed so many amazing things from walking slowly with Leon that I don't get to see from up here! I think I may have slowed down a bit too much though ;)

  2. Oh my Gosh María José!
    You are so right.

    And to Little M, I would like to say:

    Thank you for remind us that you are only toddlers... these grown ups sometimes push too hard to make you grow up utterly quickly! And it is absolutely not fair.

    Great post!

  3. Sweet and so true. I find children get so stressed by rushing as they dont see the need to!


Say hello to my sister, Little L!

It's been a very long time. My days as a blogger are over (at least I think they are?) — I'm now mami's sort of photographer (I...