A very young one at that. And even though I get help from mami, the reality is that I, Little M have a digital footprint. But I am not alone, so do about 81% of kids under 2 in the UK and they don't even blog!
In fact, the average age that us kids begin to have an online presence (thanks to their parents) is at six months - when we are babies! Think about Facebook and all those embarrassing pictures parents post of us.
Mami got all this information when she attended the AVG Digital Playground Blogger discussion to talk about how to protect children online.
One of the main points that came up was educating the grown ups so that they know how to keep us safe.
As bloggers we have an advantage because most of us are very online savvy.
However there are many other parents who do not have the proper information and don't know the risks involved when their children go online to use the computer. Mami feels that as bloggers we should help educate other parents and help spread the word.
Here are few more facts:
A third (33%) of children have had images posted online from birth - Guilty as charged!
A quarter (23%) of children have even had their pre-birth scans uploaded to the Internet by their parents - Yeah, I was up there when I was still in the waters
Seven per cent (7%) of babies have even had an email address created for them by their parents - Mami has been talking about getting me an email account
More than 70% of mothers said they posted baby and toddler images online to share with friends and family - Again, mami's Facebook page is all about me!
Ha! We will see about that. Besides, I already know how to use her iPhone and how to play videos.
Mami reading "Little Bird's Internet Security Adventure"
What are your thoughts on kids and their digital footprint?
Do you monitor your kids?
How much information on your kids can you keep off line and for how long?
We would really like to know what you think.