Tuesday, June 28, 2011

AVG Digital Playground: Keeping kids safe online

Okay, so I'm a blogger.

A very young one at that. And even though I get help from mami, the reality is that I, Little M have a digital footprint. But I am not alone, so do about 81% of kids under 2 in the UK and they don't even blog!

In fact, the average age that us kids begin to have an online presence (thanks to their parents) is at six months - when we are babies! Think about Facebook and all those embarrassing pictures parents post of us.

Mami got all this information when she attended the AVG Digital Playground Blogger discussion to talk about how to protect children online.

One of the main points that came up was educating the grown ups so that they know how to keep us safe.

As bloggers we have an advantage because most of us are very online savvy.

However there are many other parents who do not have the proper information and don't know the risks involved when their children go online to use the computer. Mami feels that as bloggers we should help educate other parents and help spread the word.

Here are few more facts:

A third (33%) of children have had images posted online from birth - Guilty as charged!

A quarter (23%) of children have even had their pre-birth scans uploaded to the Internet by their parents - Yeah, I was up there when I was still in the waters

Seven per cent (7%) of babies have even had an email address created for them by their parents - Mami has been talking about getting me an email account

More than 70% of mothers said they posted baby and toddler images online to share with friends and family - Again, mami's Facebook page is all about me!

Even mami, who thought she was up to date on everything learned lots of new things. She mentioned to papi "he is never going to have a mobile phone".

Ha! We will see about that. Besides, I already know how to use her iPhone and how to play videos.

Mami reading "Little Bird's Internet Security Adventure"

AVG also have a great book for pre-schoolers coming out called Little Bird's Internet Security Adventure  which tells the story of how to be online smart. It will be available for downloading soon as an iPad app and on Kindle. Don't worry, I will make sure to tell you when it's out.

What are your thoughts on kids and their digital footprint?

Do you monitor your kids?

How much information on your kids can you keep off line and for how long?

We would really like to know what you think.

Monday, June 27, 2011

I've got chicken spots

It started late last week on the day mami stays home with me.

I woke up and I had red spots all over my belly and my head was really itching. I went to mami and said "Mami, pica/itches" pointing to my head. She sat up in bed, put her hands in my head and moved my hair around a bit.

She looked over at papi and said, "he's got chicken spots". At least that is what I heard.

CHICKEN spots? I thought.

I know I have spots, but what are CHICKEN SPOTS?!  I was really confused. I haven't been around any chickens, and the spots are just red and itchy.

They don't look like chickens. I have no idea what they are going on about, but mami said she would take me to the pharmacist for confirmation.

Sure enough, I heard it again. "Yes it looks like chicken spots" said the man in the white coat.

"Okay" sighed mami. And we quickly came back home.

Finally outside!

So it's Monday and I've been stuck inside for a few days now. Papi took me to the park while mami was busy at CyberMummy (more to come) but I wasn't allowed to go near other kids. This reminds me of the time I had hand, foot and mouth disease. No one was allowed near me!

I should have gone to nursery but mami said I could give my spots to someone else so I had to be indoors.

Hang on a minute, I would be happy to give my spots to someone else, that way it would stop ITCHING! But no matter how much I asked to "go outside" she wouldn't budge.

I really don't like being stuck inside all day especially since the the sun feels hot and I don't wear long trousers or jackets anymore.

I've had two baths today with baking soda and after mami's friend Fi suggested using Sudocrem on my chicken spots I have been covered in the white stuff. I mean mami really slathered it on.

It's really no fun and I hope these chicken spots go away soon!

And I am still trying to figure out just how a chicken gave me spots??!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Mami's CyberMummy Meet and Greet

Last year I convinced mami to go to CyberMummy and boy was she happy she went!

For our friends outside of the UK or those of you who don't blog, CyberMummy is the UK's premier blogging conference for parent bloggers and there will be about about 400 or so of them all together!

This year mami has been sponsored by emla you know the "magic" cream that makes getting vaccinations less painful.

So here's mami!

Name: Mami. Well, no, her real name is Maria Jose Ovalle

Blog: Mummy's Busy World

Twitter ID: @verybusymama

Height: 5ft 1" Apparently papi says she is short?

Hair: All different colours, but right now it's a brown and blonde mix

Eyes: Green

Likes: GLEE, obviously. Sleeping, acting in plays, singing, running, me and papi

Dislikes: Cheap shoes, light coloured jeans, bad coffee, and when people stand veryveryclose to her on the tube

Go on over to Mummy's Shoes to see the other entries for the Meet and Greet!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Just a London boy

When we tell our friends and family who live in Chile or the United States that we do not have a car here in London, they just look at mami in absolute shock.

"How do you get around?!" they say.

Then they look at me and add "Especially with him?!"

Mami usually just shrugs and says, "We just do. I guess that's city living".

Yeah, city living.

Well I don't know about mami, but I'm like papi.  I love living in the city. Papi grew up in a place called Tokyo so he is a true city boy. Besides, there is always so much to do!

I love riding the bus and sitting in the back corner - it always smells funny back there, but I get a great view!

I like going on the tube just like mami does when she goes to work - and I event like to stand up and hold on to the bar.

I like taking the choo-choo train and looking the window for cows and sheep when we travel somewhere out of London.

I like going up the moving stairs at the tube stations (even though they scare me a little).

I like holding my train ticket and waving hello to the station managers.

I like walking to the small market on our high street and picking out fruit and vegetables and walking back with all of our shopping bags.

Truth is I really don't know any other way to live. Anywhere we go we have to walk, take a bus, train or the tube.

I heard mami telling papi that "the time has come to get a car. I don't know how much longer I can do this." I don't really know what she means by "this" and I didn't really hear papi's response, but based on the expression on her face I don't think he agreed.

Some how I don't think this discussion is over.

To be continued...

But what about you? What do you like or don't like about living in the city?

Oh and for kid friendly things to do in London check out my other city friends Babes About Town.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Who wants ice cream?!

Mami and I were faced with a very difficult task.

We were asked to try five different kinds of ice cream from a new luxury range called ChokaBlok that launched this month at Tesco.

I know, I know. It's a tough job, but someone's got to do it.

Me testing all of the flavours

The flavours, all created by a special ice cream chef have funny names and lots of ingredients such as:

Gold Digger Dynamite - This has whole milk, creamy caramel and vanilla ice cream with chunks of honeycomb for a sweet, crunchy blast. Next they swirl in real chocolate mini caramel cups and silky, sweet caramel sauce.

I say, "Rico! Yummy!"

Billionaires Shortcake - Perfect if you want whole milk, caramel creamy ice cream loaded with chocolate covered shortcake biscuit for crunch, chunks of chewy caramel fudge for sweet stickiness and swirls of luxurious caramel sauce.

Papi says, "There is a lot of stuff packed in here"

Cherry Bomb Brownie - This is their chefs' ultimate recipe for cherry chewiness. They take creamy whole milk cherry ice cream, add loads of cherries for chewiness, pile in gooey brownies and flakes of real chocolate, and then top it off with a big swirl of sweet cherry sauce.

Mami says, "So, sooooo good!"

Cookie Dough Mon-Star - They take the perfect combination of choc chip cookie dough chunks and sticky caramel sauce. Then they drown it in whole milk creamy ice cream. Finally, they scoop in a batch of real chocolate mini stars.

Papi says, "I can't stop eating this!"

The Chocolate Extremist - This one is for serious chocoholics like me. They take a batch of creamy whole milk, chocolate ice cream and pack it with gooey brownie pieces and chocolate covered, mini malty balls and delicious, rich chocolate sauce.

I say, "Mami, I want more!"

And they come in 500ml plastic containers you can use again or recycle.

Okay, so it's not going to help you if you are on a diet because it is chok full (get it?) of goodies but mami says "it is absolutely worth a bowl every now and then" (more like NOW for her).

Besides she says, "if you are going to have ice cream, do yourself a favour and have the REAL deal".

By far her favourite is the Cherry Bomb Brownie. She doesn't usually like cherry or strawberry ice cream, but this one has real pieces of cherry and chunky pieces of brownie.

Papi just likes ice cream. But he especially liked ChokaBlok when he found out that the range is made with whole milk, double cream, real chocolate flakes, brownies, and shortcake to name a few.

He doesn't like anything "light" or "low fat" and says "Now THIS is what I call ice cream. Mmmm!"

As far as the price goes, they are currently on sale at Tesco, but cost more or less the same as the other ranges of luxury ice creams.

Mami says its good to see more variety in the ice cream section, but will personally stick with the Cherry Bomb Brownie or the Billionaires Shortcake.

And me? I like the Chocolate Extremist. But I'm not allowed to have it every day. Only sometimes and I get a little bit after I have eaten all of my dinner (if there is any left!)

I take my job very seriously

So if you are looking to try something new, mami, papi and I all give this two hands up - so go for it!

And if you have already tried it, what did you think?

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Dora helps you explore even more!

I would do anything for Dora the Explorer!

We have so much in common you know. We like to explore (obviously), try new games, we both speak Spanish and English and I won't go anywhere without my mochila, or backpack.

Doing my own exploring with papi at Stonehenge
And now Dora and Nick Jr. (you know, the channel her show is on) has started a campaign called Help Dora Help to encourage more exploration activities to nurseries and pre-schools across the UK.

I already have tons of fun at my nursery, but I think between Dora and I we could teach them a thing or two about exploring!

The campaign is supported by The Princes Foundation for Children and the Arts and includes a free activity pack that gives nurseries and pre-schools educational activity resources and the opportunity to apply for a grant of up to £20,000.

According to mami, that's a whole lot of money!

The activity pack, created by education experts at Nick Jr. follows the Early Years Foundation Stage development goals and provides learning opportunities from Dora's adventures.

It has six activity session plans, a guide for teachers to encourage us kids to use our imaginations, solve problems and develop our sense of physical adventure.

I'm already pretty good at this, but hey, a little help doesn't hurt anyone!

Runners up will be awarded discovery and learning equipment packages and Dora HERSELF will visit a few of the nurseries. There will also be the opportunity for some of the nurseries to be featured on Nick Jr.

Sooooo cool! I hope they choose my nursery!

I have already told my teachers about this because I really want to meet DORA!

So if your kids go to nursery or pre-school, be sure to tell them about this chance with Dora and let them know they can apply for the free Help Dora Help Activity Pack and Award Fund at Nick Jr.

So, ¿qué esperan? What are you waiting for? Get applying!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

We'll BEE at Latitude Festival!

The excitement is just too much to handle!

Mami and papi have always wanted to go to a music festival here in the UK but have never had the chance. But now I've been invited to Latitude Festival thanks to Rowse Honey. And of course I asked them if mami and papi could come too.

So, we are getting our wellies and sunglasses ready and we will be taking the choo choo train to Suffolk.   

Rowse Honey will have their very own Howse of Honey there and they are currently giving away five Rowse Family passes! All you have to do is go to their Facebook page and register there.

The Howse of Honey is going to be soooooo much fun for us kids! Once inside, I will get to learn all about beekeeping and have my face painted, do some dancing, check out a REAL beehive, and of course try some honey!

I hope mami doesn't get scared, she doesn't like bees too much.

So what are you waiting for?! Buzz on over to their page and get entering!

Good luck!

Pampers: Nappies vs diapers

We speak three languages in this house sometimes.

There's Spanish, then my English which is British, and papi's English which is American.

Let's just say it can cause a bit of confusion here at times.

Prime example? The nappy vs diaper debate!

"Pewwwww!" says papi when he gets a whiff of my poo. "Let's go change your diaper."

But I just look at him, shake my head and say "No papi, N-A-P-P-Y."

He just shrugs, looks at mami and says "where did he learn that?" and mami laughs and says "Well, he IS British after all!"

But the truth is that's what they call them at nursery and I prefer nappy to diaper. But I wanted to know why there is a difference.

I did a little googling and some say nappy comes from "napkin". That made me laugh, because no napkin could hold all of my poo in place!

And actually the word diaper referred to the type of cloth used (before you could throw them away) and the type of pattern was called "diapering" which was used here in England.

Anyway, I don't know more on the history, but mami did find out how nappies today are made.

Mami with other bloggers on the Pampers factory tour

She actually went to the Pampers factory in Manchester to see how it is all done! She was invited to get a tour and to speak to the experts who work on the Pampers Village. It's a panel of people who give advice to parents.

She couldn't believe just how many nappies are made in one day and what goes in them. Did you know they use a special substance that soaks up all the pee-pee and turns it into a gel?

Mami contemplating leaving my nappies on for longer
That is why if you wring a nappy the pee-pee won't come out! Cool huh? Mami thought she could leave me in my nappies for longer, but when she suggested that everyone looked at her funny. Oops.

And in case you were wondering, at the Pampers plant they call them "diapers" because it is an American company.

So there you go. I actually should be out of my nappies but mami sort of gave up on my potty training.

If you know more about the nappy vs diaper history let us know!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

It's Little Charley Bear on DVD!

Do you know who Little Charley Bear is?

I didn't, but I do now!

I received two copies of Little Charley Bear's new DVD "Are you there Charley Bear" which was released last week.

One copy is for me and another is for one person to win.

Mami did a video telling you what SHE liked about it (Well, I'm in it too. You can see me turning on the DVD player at the end).

But I'll just say this, I have found myself a new favourite show to watch - two hands up from me!

To enter to win a copy watch the video and:

1. Comment saying "I want to win Charley Bear DVD" and tell us who is the voice of Charley Bear and how many episodes there are
2. Leave your email or twitter name so we can contact you if you win
3. For an extra entry you can tweet this competition (tweet button at the top)

One entry per person
UK Only
Closes on Tuesday the 28th of June 

You can watch Little Charley Bear on Cbeebies and visit his Facebook page too!

Good luck!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Working days and mami days

I don't know what every day is called, but I do know that one day a week mami doesn't work and stays home with me.
Then for two days after that papi is home with us.

And then after that I go to nursery and play with my friends. Then it happens all over again.

It has been like this since I turned one. I am two and a half now, but I still feel sad and confused when mami drops me off after 3 days together.

I don't cry or anything because crying is for babies, but I just feel we were having such a good time together so why ruin it and leave me at nursery? But I think mami (or papi, depends on who is taking me) feel the same way.

Cuddle time!

As soon as I realise we are nearing the nursery doors, I get really quiet and keep calling mami's name. Before going into my classroom I ask mami to carry me in and I hold on to her neck really really tight. So tight that sometimes it hurts her. 

And even if we have had a difficult morning and I didn't get my way, or I didn't want to get dressed, I forget all of that and I just want her to change her mind and go back home together.

But that doesn't happen.

She walks me to my breakfast table, sits me down and softly whispers "La mami te quiere mucho, mucho. Ya vuelvo a buscarte/Mami loves you very much, I'll be back soon" and kisses me all over.

At that point I usually laugh a little because her kisses tickle my neck and I look at her and say "Chao mami, te quiero mucho mucho/Bye mami, I love you very much". And she leaves to take the choo-choo train to her work.

tickle tickle!

By the time she is on the train, I am sitting at circle time dancing and singing with my friends and I am happy again. Besides, we are always doing something new and fun!

And so begins another week.

But I know that in a few days I will be snuggled up with mami and relaxing in our PJ's while she pretends to be sleeping then suddenly opening her eyes and tickling me. "Tickle, tickle, tickle" she says. And I yell out and try to escape. It's a game we play, and she gets me every time!

I know that a lot of mummies work and that we are not the only ones who go through this. But we really do try to enjoy every moment we have together. And with papi too! Besides, I need a break from them.

But SHHHH, don't say that too loud, mami might not like to hear that, it would break her heart.

How do you divide your time between work and your kids? Do you plan special activities or just take it easy?

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Bilingual and bicultural?

Does speaking another language make you bicultural too?

As you know I speak Spanish because I am half Chilean, but when it comes down to it, I have only been there one time, so not much experience in that deparment.

But obviously mami tells me about it so that much count for something?

Last week mami took me to the Chilean embassy and I got my very own passport and ID card.

That's me signging my new passport

I already have my USA passport that I use to travel with but my Chilean passport had not been processed yet.

Some people have asked "Why bother?" to mami "It's not like it's an EU passport" and mami responds with  "Because he's Chilean too!"

Now what I want to know is, does being bilingual mean that I am bicultural too? I mean, I know about Chile, just like I know about the USA but I was born here in the UK and live here now.

Outside the Embassy

And what about papi? He's not fully bilingual (he knows a little bit) but knows a lot about Chile and has been there plenty of times. Does that make him bicultural?

I'm just not clear on all of this. Besides, sometimes I think I am trilingual! Half of the time papi and I have different words for things in English.

For instance, last week mami asked me to throw away some paper for her in the basura. Okay, got it. No problem. Then papi says, "Go on, throw it in the trash". And I just looked at both of them, shook my head, and said  "no papi, rubbish".

See? Confusion I tell you.

Oh and the two things I know for sure about Chile is that it is very, very, VERY far away and that everyone there loves me very very VERY much.

That is good enough for me!

How about you?

Do you speak another language? Or maybe only speak one language but have different customs? What makes you bicultural?

Thursday, June 9, 2011

So innocent (drinks)

I know that mami mixes my juices with agua.
She tells papi "it's too sugary, always add water".

It doesn't make a difference to me because it still tastes good, but I think the people who make innocent drinks heard what mami was saying. 

They have come up with some new pure fruit juices with a splash of spring water and they are simply called juicy drinks. And no added flavours, only natural fruits! 

Their juicy promise means

No sweeteners
No colours or preservatives
1 of your 5 a day
Never from concentrate
Perfect for school lunchboxes or when in the buggy

As far as we can tell, it is the most natural drink on the market (after water of course!)

And really, who better than to test it out than me! Ahhhh, so good! 

Two hands up from me, mami and papi.

These drinks are available in naranja (orange) and manzana (apple). 

Go give them a try, and tell them Little M sent you!

*innocent sent me a lunch box with their new juices and a frog yo-yo

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Guess who? It's Big Sis!

Mami and I are SOOOOOOO excited!

This is the first time we have a guest post on our blog.

It didn't take us but a half a second to invite Big Sis to write for us. I mean she sometimes writes for her busy mummy too and she knows how to have fun just like me!

So here we go, she shares her day at the LolliBop Picnic and don't forget to leave a comment for her.

Hi, I'm Big Sis. You might recognise me from Mummy's Little Monkey.

When my buddy Little M asked if I'd write a guest post on his blog, I replied, 'Of course!'

Little M and I go waaaaaay back - almost one year now, which, when you're only 2 and 3/4, is a really REALLY long time.

Big Sis and Little M

I was looking forward to seeing him at the LolliBop picnic last Wednesday, so was really sad to hear that he couldn't make it, because his Mami had to do something called 'work'.

So I thought I'd tell him all about it, so he wouldn't feel left out.

When I first arrived at Regent's Park I was a little bit shy, and stuck close to my Mummy, and Lil Sis. But then I spotted all the games and decorations, and forgot all about my nerves.

I could hear Mummy calling for me to 'Slow down!' as I ran towards a huge cloud of balloons. I grabbed a bunch and began running around the park, trailing them behind me. It was so much fun!

I tried to play Swingball, but no matter how hard I swung my bat, I kept missing the ball. Then I tried to hula hoop, but it just kept falling straight to the ground, so I just jumped in and out of it instead. Oh well - Mummy says it's the trying that counts.

I was colouring in some pictures of Charlie and Lola when Mummy called me over to tell me Peppa Pig had arrived at the picnic!! I was so excited I ran straight over to say hello.

I gave her an extra long cuddle, but then Mummy told me I had to give the other kids a chance to give her a hug too. I didn't want to leave, but I know it's important to share.

Luckily I spotted a man blowing hugemungous bubbles that floated through the air, and got distracted chasing them around. But when I finally caught up with one, and grabbed it in my hands, it disappeared!

There was so much to see and do at the LolliBop picnic, that I barely even had time to eat my cheese sandwiches, and my mini-cupcakes with sparkly sprinkles on top.

But I did find time to squeeze in a little face painting. What do you think??
Now I can't wait for the proper LolliBop Festival on August 5-7.

Little M and I are going to have sooooooooo much fun!

Big Sis

Monday, June 6, 2011

Tidy up time with Fairy Non Bio

Remember when I told you about my very special and personalised toy box from Fairy Non Bio and when I got to go see Winne the Pooh the movie?!

Well, I have some really good news - Fairy Non Bio has given us one toy box to giveaway to one lucky reader!

Haven't seen my box? Have a look below - the winner will get their name or blog name on it.

I actually enjoy tidying up or ordenar. Really! Mami has a special song that we sing together while we pick up our toys.

"Ordenar, ordenar cada cosa en su lugar/tidy up, tidy up, everything in it's place" and we march around picking everything up and putting it all away in my box.

And because Fairy Non Bio know how important it is for families to spend time together (even if it is tidying up) they teamed up with Disney’s Winnie the Pooh to encourage families to share those magical moments. 

And that is where I come in to give you the chance to win a special limited edition gift box, including Fairy and Winnie the Pooh goodies. 

Trust me, you will LOVE them!

And besides that, mami absolutely loves how soft and fragrant our clothes are with Fairy. Oh, and its gentle on sensitive skin like mine.

Now, back to the toy box, all you have to do to enter is: 

1. Comment and tell us how you make tidy up time fun or your special technique 
2. Follow on RSS OR Google Connect OR subscribe to receive emails (your choice)
3. Recommend our blog to one other person (tweet or email)
4. Leave your twitter or email so we can contact you if you win
5. For an extra entry you can tweet I want to tidy up & win a personalised toy box with Fairy Non Bio and @verybusymama http://bit.ly/mOmHEf 

One entry per person
UK only
Winner selected a random
Competition closes on Monday 20th of June at midnight
Must do numbers 1- 4 

Good luck and remember to ordenar!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Will someone please wake up!

I was watching Humf early yesterday when I realised his morning routine if very similar to mine.

He had woken up very early and had gone to his mami and papi's room just like I do every morning and his mami and papi were sound asleep. I couldn't believe it, it was just like me!

See I am usually up very early, "way too early" mami says.

I can't help it if the sun is shining through the curtains in my room. And once I'm up, I'm ready to get the day started. So I go and see if mami and papi are up yet, and 10 times out of 10 they are not.

I do try to let them know I am up by climbing into bed with them but  mami says the same thing every morning

"Little M, es muy temprano. Cierre los ojos y haga tuto/It's very early. Close your eyes and go to sleep". 

Drastic times call for drastic measures
But I can't. I try to close my eyes but I'm just not tired. I have been sleeping all night and now I just want to play. So then I turn to papi  and his eyes are closed too, so the next best thing is to open them for him.

I slowly lift the top of his eye open, then I say, "Papi, levantate/wake up"

Then he opens his eyes, rubs them to look at me and says "No Little M, papi is sleeping. Go to sleep too". 

And so I am stuck in between two sleeping parents who don't want to get up and play with me. 

Humf usually goes back to his room to get some toys and so do I. I tend to come back with my favourite puzzle, or book or I just dump my mega blocks on papi's chest.

But mami just grumbles "No Little M, ahora no. Estoy muy cansada/ Not now, I am tired".

Then I try again with papi and this time using a different tactic.

 "Leche, leche/ Milk, milk" and that always works. He can't deny me my leche! He slowly rolls over and gets out of bed and I follow him into the kitchen.

Now that I have him up, I ask him to turn on the TV. But just as I turn to see if he's sitting on the sofa, he is back in bed.

Sneaky papi. I run back to the room and stand at the door and call both of them "Mami..papi! Mami...papi"

I see mami still with her eyes closed say "Can you get up with him?" but papi just pretends to be asleep, rolls over and pulls up the covers.

Mami then mumbles something something back like "I know you can hear me" but grabs her pillow, and walking very, very slowly comes into the living room and lays on the sofa while I play and watch my cartoons.

And if they still don't get up, I do restort to drastic measures and and take off my pijamas and nappy and throw it on their bed. Talk about jumping out of bed, works every time!

You should see mami in the mornings, she looks so funny! Her fringe is sticking straight up and her eyes look really small.

If they are so tired in the mornings maybe they should consider going to bed at the same time I do. After all, I am always well rested in the mornings!

How about you? Do you get up with our kids? What is your morning routine?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Mami please slow down

Mami is ALWAYS in a hurry.

Even when she isn't running late she is telling me to ¡apúrate, vamos! /Hurry, let's go!

I don't get, I just want to take my time and wander, explore, touch, smell and just look at things. Just because she has seen it all doesn't mean that I have. I think she forgets that I am only 2!

For instance we zoom by the really pretty flowers outside our door. Mami has never really stopped to smell them and I usually stop to examine the yellow and black insects flying around them called bees.

Oh and how was I supposed to know that the circular, coil-like shell stuck to the side of the porch is a snail? I saw it on the wall last week and she wouldn't let me touch it.

But papi did! And now every morning I stop to say "hola snail".

And why is it that she pretends not to see ants on the ground when she knows how much I like following them?

And what about the ladybirds? Or "ladybugs" as she calls them.

They are my favourite insects ever and I just want to collect them in my bucket and bring them home with me so that I can play with them later. I don't see why that would bother anyone, they don't take up any room at all!

I could go and on, but I will leave it here for now. I mean, I do have fun with mami but I wish she would listen to what I want to do.

So this is for all mummies and daddies who are always in a rush: please just let us enjoy our time outside, there is only so much we can take of legos, drawing and cartoons.

And mami please, just slow down a bit and let me take my time.

Say hello to my sister, Little L!

It's been a very long time. My days as a blogger are over (at least I think they are?) — I'm now mami's sort of photographer (I...