Thursday, February 24, 2011

Magic words

I think my glue ear is getting better, I am talking lots more and even saying short sentences.

Mami and papi are so proud and I'm just excited to be hearing new sounds!

I can hear the keys in the door when papi gets home
I hear the music on mami's computer when she logs in
I can hear my teacher call my name at nursery
I can hear the ducks quacking at the park
I can hear the neighbours dog barking outside

I always could hear something but it wasn't very clear. Now I am repeating lots of words that mami says and trying  to pronounce them right. I am still having a hard time with that, I just can't properly say certain words.

But I have learned two very magical words: por favor (please) and gracias (thank you).

When I say them, mami's eyes light up and she smiles at me. Even if I've been naughty, she softens up and most of the time I get what I ask for.

Magic I tell you, M-A-G-I-C!

I think all grownups should try saying these magic words and don't forget to include a smile.

You will be amazed at how they work, I say them every chance I get!


  1. It's good to hear your ears are getting better, Little M :)


  2. Glad your glue ear has improved. Soon you'll be able to speak two languages prefectly. Eres tan afortunado! Ciao. A.

  3. Glad you can hear all the magical things around you and I will try saying it with a smile and see what happens!

  4. Hola!

    So Glad to hear that your ears are getting better, DD also had this and hers is much better after gromits.

    I like to hear you are learning new words, these are two words I love to hear think it is so important.

  5. Hola!

    Good to hear your ear is better, my DD had this and is much better after gromits.

    Also liking the two new words, very important words. Funky Monkey (DD) knows them in Dutch and English but not in Spanish yet.

  6. That's wonderful news, Little M. And how polite you're growing. Those words do work like magic in our house too, especially when my boys remember how to say them!

  7. Glad it's getting better!! Our little boy had to get grommets, so glad we did - the difference was immediate. It's no fun going through life with everything sounding as though you're under water. x

  8. Glad to hear things are getting better! I had the same problem when I was little but I'm all better now!


Say hello to my sister, Little L!

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